HL-340 RS232转USB驱动 HL-340 USB转232驱动 支持xp,winCE,linux,mac等操作系统。 上传者:llglqh时间:2013-04-07 通用的USB-RS232C的驱动 在win98、winme、win2000、XP系统里,只需先双击driver里hidcominst程序,再插上串口线,系统即可自动可完成安装。在xp系统下,完成以上步骤后,有时在设备管理器里会出现...
Sleek DB9 cable male to female design for easy connectivity Features: **Versatile Connectivity for Modern Devices** The HL-340 USB to RS232 COM Port Serial PDA adapter is a vital tool for professionals and hobbyists alike, bridging the gap between modern devices and legacy serial interfaces. ...
This USB to RS232 conversion cable has the function of connecting USB interfaces to serial port devices, enabling serial port devices to have features such as plug-and-play and hotplugging. It is suitable for connecting notebooks to various serial port devices, including miniature phones, digital...
USB转9针串口线 USB转串口线 USB转COM口 USB-RS232 HL-340公母头 深圳市欣宇创电子科技有限公司 5年 回头率: 43.5% 广东 深圳市龙岗区 ¥3.00 成交25条 HL-340 USB2.0 to RS232 COM Serial PDA 9pin DB9 Cable Adapter 广州市创以晨电子科技有限公司 14年 回头率: 26.6% 广东 广州市天河区...
USB 2.0 TO RS232 Serial DB9 9 PIN ADAPTER PC PDA GPS Descripton: 100% ใหม่ ข้อกำหนด USB 1.1และ2.0 รองรับ Remote Wake Up และ Power Management สนับสนุน: Win98,98SE,Me,2000,XP,Mac OS8.6 Win7 32...
Parity. to simplify synchronous serial protocol (USB to Auto transmit enable control for RS485 serial 2 JTAG, I C, SPI (MASTER) or bit-bang) applications using the TXDEN pin. design. Operational mode configuration and USB UART transfer data rate up to 12Mbaud. (RS232 Description strings c...
新型USB接口保护芯片HL8261是一款具有4通道的USB Type-C接口保护器件,是所有电脑、扩展坞和适配器的刚需产品。
FlashRunner HS is a multi-end programming system.The typical programming system functions are shared between a central Control Unit and up to 8 peripheral Active Modules connected through a USB type-C cable.The new GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (Workben...
Temperature-40 to 125°C Timed I/O Pins (PWM, CAPCOM)21 Timer/Counter12 Touch/LED Matrix Controlno Type of MemoryFlash Type of Serial I/O InterfacesUART ; SPI ; I²C ; I²S ; LIN Watchdog Timeryes 文件 登录myInfineon查看所有可用文...
佛山市禅城区铂锦机电商行 身份验证: 经营模式:贸易型 注册资本: 企业类型:个体经营 公司地区:中国 广东 佛山 主营产品:计数器,温控器,马达,控制器,低压开关,工业自动化配件 进入店铺 产品分类 温度校验仪表 瞄准测量仪器 电风扇/电扇 相关产品更多>> ...