HL Mando corporation, South Korea was established in the year 1962 with an annual sales figure of 6,147 billion Korean won as of 2021. HL Mando has also been recognized by the credit rating of AA- & having a worldwide workforce of 13,773 people working on different automotive components ...
2021年03月Mando Hella Electronics Co., Ltd.の株式100%を取得 2021年10月完全子会社Mando Hella Electronics Co., Ltd.がHL Klemove Co., Ltd.に社名変更 2021年12月Mando Mobility Solutions Co., Ltd.を分割し、HL Klemove Co., Ltd.に統合。
2011年01月与中国吉利汽车(Geely)合资成立万都(宁波)汽车零部件有限公司[Mando (Ningbo) Automotive Parts Co., Ltd.]。 2011年01月与德国博泽在韩国合资成立Mando-Brose Corporation。 2011年05月与日本凯迩必在巴西合资成立KYB-Mando do Brasil Fabricante de Autopecas S.A.。