**Versatile and Reliable** This USB to serial driver window 10 and 11 compatible adapter is not just a simple cable; it's a tool that enhances your device's capabilities. Whether you're a professional in the field of electronics or a hobbyist, the HL-340 adapter is designed to meet ...
CH341的串口方式支持WINDOWS 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/Linux,提供相关驱动程序, CH341的USB转串口支持大多数常用的串口监控及调试工具程序。 驱动安装方法: 1. 标准INF文件安装方法 WINDOWS提示找到新硬件,指定驱动程序所在目录DRIVER,自动安装驱动, 如果WINDOWS没有提示找到新硬件,那么在设备管理器的硬件列表中, 选择带...
USB转串口的驱动程序。经过调试成功。虽然上面标的是CH341但是试用HL340。 上传者:xiangsicao时间:2011-03-20 USB转串口驱动支持CH340/CH341/FT232R 1、CH340/CH341的WINDOWS 32位/64位驱动程序 2、FT232R driver.zip 【FT232R 的驱动】 USB转RS485和USB转TTL 上传者:qq_26622451时间:2023-03-20...
HL-340_Driver_for_win7_x64 64位windows 7下usb转串口线HL-340驱动程序点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 Oracle Rman 备份监控shell脚本 2025-02-10 00:04:24 积分:1 KMP算法实验报告.docx 2025-02-09 21:49:23 积分:1 ...
HL 340 Update FAQ How Can I Update HL 340 Drivers? HL 340 drivers can be updated manually using Windows Device Manager, or automatically using a driver update tool. Why Do Some People Ignore HL 340 Driver Updates? Most people fear that they will cause a computer crash or error if they ...
Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows 98SE, Windows 98 File Name hl-340_driver.zip (71.5 KB)Versions 2.3.2006.06 (5-Jun-2006)2.3.2006.06 (2006-06-05) via .infAdditional Notes HL-340 USB to serial adapter [WinChipHead] Driver for CH341 (USB=>SERIAL chip) WDM&VXD for Windo...
win10可用的CH340驱动,用于USB转TTL电平,WIN10电脑可用。 上传者:weixin_45083475时间:2019-07-02 CH341SER驱动下载 支持USB取电,USB转串口方式,避免传统电源取电的麻烦。 上传者:dlq508时间:2010-06-11 win7_driver.zip_CH341_CH341SER.INF wi_CH341SER.INF win7_ch341 l ...
Once you download your new driver, then you need to install it. To install a driver in Windows, you will need to use a built-in utility called Device Manager. It allows you to see all of the devices recognized by your system, and the drivers associated with them. ...
Mac 安装HL-340 usb转串口驱动 下载地址: http://www.wch.cn/download/CH341SER_MAC_ZIP.html 安装,重启。 开机之前按住 command + r 进入recovery模式 终端输入:csrutil disable 关闭内核保护 重启:reboot 查看是否识别: ls /dev/cu.wchusbserial14620...
✅ Attempt to install Brother HL-1210W printer driver On Win 11 OS laptop opens Microsoft Store:Live in Thailand bought an ASUS laptop that has factory installed Win 11. Have had no issues installing other drivers but the Brother printer driver...