品牌:梦翔 货号:TN283/TN287 CMYK 型号:TN287/TN283 BK TN283C TN283Y TN283M DR-283CL 类型:粉盒 售后类型:店铺三包 适用设备:彩色激光打印机 适用品牌型号:Brother HL3140CW/3150CDW/3170CDW 是否可灌粉:否 打印页数:粉盒黑色2500页 彩色各2200页 对应原装型号:BROTHER TN283 TN287 是否进口:否 颜色:...
卡纸、门没关、未安装硒鼓、硒鼓出错等都闪红灯。 兄弟hl3170cdw打印机error灯闪红灯是什么原因 首先检查一下,卡住的纸是不是全部已经扯出来了 如果实在不行,再把电脑注销重启一下 兄弟打印机hl 2140drum error灯同闪 鼓的问题 可以清零的 有可能是你的操作不对 再多试几次吧 兄弟打印机error灯亮是什么原...
TN-251Y Yellow Standard Approx. 1400 pages in accordance with ISO/IEC 19798 How to replace What is ISO/IEC 19798? Recycling Program TN-255Y Yellow High Yield Approx. 2200 pages in accordance with ISO/IEC 19798 How to replace What is ISO/IEC 19798? Recycling Program Toner Cartridge Drum Un...
Is your Brother HL-3170 leaving a crumpled stripe down the page? Does the toner smear easily? When you open the back of the printer do you see orange plastic chips? The fuser may need to be replaced. You can replace the fuser on your Brother HL-3170 easily with this tutorial… Brother...
For learning how to replace the drum unit. 22/08/2022(C) 下載(4.38MB) Belt Unit Replacement Guide For learning how to replace the belt unit. 23/07/2015(B) 下載(7.30MB)網路使用者說明書標題說明發行日期(版本)檔案(大小) Network User's Guide For specific information about using the prod...
4 Pack Replacement for Brother DR229CL Drum Unit for MFC-L3780CDW MFC-L3720CDW HL-L3220CDW HL-L3300CDW HL-L3280CDW (DR229CL Drum Unit Set; Toner not Included) TN229XL TN229 Toner 4 Pack Compatible with Brother MFC-L3780CDW MFC-L3720CDW HL-L3280CDW HL-L3220CDW HL-L3295CDW, TN...
Approximate yield in accordance with ISO/IEC 19798 (Letter/A4). Drum yield is approximate and may vary based on type of use. Approximate yield based A4 or Letter size single-sided pages. USB cable not included Requires connection to a wireless network. See www.brother.com for more details,...
HL-2240打印机 Error和Drum灯一直闪烁不能打印是没有联机打印造成的,解决方法为: 1、单击开始菜单,选择设备和打印机选项。在打开的窗口中,可以看到本地计算机的全部设备和打印机。这就是设置打印机的地方。 2、找到打印机图标,下图红色圆圈处。双击打印机图标,可以看到弹出的小窗口。在上面可以做各种各样的设置。
兄弟HL5340d硒鼓清零 兄弟HL5340d硒鼓清零 >>如果您是苏州用户,且遇到同样的问题无法解决的,可致电售后维修电话:0512-69616769<<