Currently, it is not clear how H9c2 and HL-1 cells mimic the responses of primary cardiomyocytes to hypoxia and oxidative stress. In the present study, we show that H9c2 cells are more similar to primary cardiomyocytes than HL-1 cells with regard to energy metabolism patterns, such as ...
基于线粒体生物发生探讨人参总次苷对缺氧下H9c2细胞凋亡和能量代谢的影响 热度: 人工智能基础(第2版) x2d;高济 x2d;ai x2d;4 x2d;本 热度: 线粒体泛素连接酶1对大鼠心肌细胞H9C2缺氧损伤的实验研究 热度: 相关推荐 H9c2andHL-1cellsdemonstratedistinctfeaturesofenergy metabolism,mitochondrialfunctionand...