Mean proportions of 48% and 68%, for CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes respectively, showed a composite 2H4+UCHL1 phenotype, whereas the percentage of NK-associated CD8dim+ cells with this phenotypic pattern was considerably higher (mean, 85%). Normal lymphocyte subpopulations lacking both determinants ...
up to the first stop codon, to wild-type CD38. Highlight denotes sequence matching wild-type CD38. The CRISPR 2 line is a mixed population expressing two different CD38 truncations. (B) Western blot of CD38. Wild-type and CRISPR-
Camptothecin treatment (5 μM) was used to provide a positive control for caspase activation and the percentage of cells labelled relative to control, non-apoptotic, cells was used to define regions of positive active casapse-3 expression. The proportion of cells with active caspase-3 was ...
werecollected,theexpressionpercentageofthedifferentiationantigenslocatedatthecellmembranesurfacewasdetected byflowcytometer(FCM),andatthesametimethemorphologyofcellswereobservedbystainingwithWright2Giemsa dyes.Results:TheexpressionratesofmyeloiddifferentiationantigensCD13andCD117wererelativelylowinK562cells ...
Cell viability was then calculated as a percentage relative to the blank group [51]. 3.6. Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qPCR) Raw264.7 cells were pretreated with tested compounds at a concentration of 20 μM, along with astin C [50] at a concentration of 20 nM, for 2 h. Subsequently, ...
In the end, this should make it possible to obtain antibodies which interact with and activate the receptors of effector cells (macrophage, T lymphocyte and NK cell). The biological activity of certain immunoglobulins G is dependent on the structure of the oligosaccharides present on the molecule,...