The district will also accelerate the development of the innovation zone surrounding HKUST(GZ), and establish a collaborative innovation chain featuring "Hong Kong and Macao achievements + Nansha transfer + GBA application." Professor Lionel M. Ni, President of HKUST(GZ), said that HKUST(GZ) ...
About APEXLab @ HKUSTGZ We are a newly established research group at HKUST(GZ) interested in utilizing and modifying the interfacial properties of materials in multiscales to make things possible. We use a range of tools to advance the application of novel materials in biomedical electronics and...
APPLICATION 申请资格 遵纪守法,思想品德良好,无不良行为记录; 学习成绩优秀,综合素质高,在校期间道德操行表现良好,无处分记录; 具有创新精神,对融合学科及科研项目具有浓厚兴趣,有较丰富的项目经验; 2025年7月前毕业的本科生。 申请材料 “香港科技大学 (广州)红鸟挑战营申请表”1份 (网上报名成功后系统自动提交) ...
PinkLaura Lee: 2020 HKUST (GZ)Fall 的PHD 前来强答一发~ 申请广州的话,在HKUST的online application系统里面要选择交叉学科博士这个选项,和申请某个学院的PHD不一样。要求和本部一样,但是要选两个导师,需要提前套磁,我前几周面试完了,导师说名单已经上报在走程序。…阅读全文 赞同57177 条评...