Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS):每年319,200港币 RedBird PhD Scholarship Program:每年40,000港币 导师信息 在此我们推荐几位不同方向的导师,供大家参考。 01 Yongshun CAI 蔡永顺 Chair Professor Research Interests: • Social Movements and Collective Action • Institution Building and Regime Transi...
(4)官网链接:Master of Arts Program in Chinese Culture (5)23FALL offer案例: 本科985,汉语言文学,3.83/5,雅思6.5 本科双非一本 89 雅思7 若干实习+奖学金 4.Master of Arts Programs in Social Science(MASS) (1)23FALL学费:HK$152,000 (2)本科专业背景要求:不卡专业背景,接受转专业申请 (3)语...
香港科技大学MPhil in Social Science社会学硕士Division of Social Science 香港科技大学PhD in Operations Management运作管理学工业工程博士Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校MEd in Bilingual-Bicultural Education教育学硕士Department of Curriculum and In...
伦敦政治经济学院MPhil/PhD in Social Research Methods博士Department of Methodology 香港科技大学和伦敦政治经济学院简介 香港科技大学 香港科技大学(英文:The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,缩写:HKUST),简称香港科大,是一所坐落于香港清水湾半岛大埔仔的公立研究型大学。于1991年成立,其为当地其中一所...
纽约大学 MS in Civil Engineering 土木工程水利工程 硕士 Department of Civil and Urban Engineering 纽约大学 PhD in International Education: International Development Education (INTE/COP-PHD) 公共管理学公共事务学教育学 博士 Department of Applied Statistics, Social Science, and Humanities ...
faculty recruitment as well as resource and personnel management. The Division’s graduate degree programs include an MA in Chinese Culture and MPhil/PhD in Humanities. The Division also participates in the BSc program in Global China Studiesand provides humanities education as a common core to all...
–in science, technology, engineering, management and business studies; and –at the postgraduate level; To assist in the economic and social development of Hong Kong. Vision To be a leading university with significant international impact and strong local commitment. CORE VALUES The University is...
relating to their subject and study level, with 145 available at the time of writing. Students could also research their eligibility for aHKSAR Government Scholarship– 86 of these were awarded in the 2016/17 academic year. PhD students could apply for theHong Kong ...
分享1赞 香港科技大学吧 农批煎蛋板😘 HKUST physics mphil求伙伴~RT,是的话留言,我私你微信 分享41 香港科技大学吧 Hunter_Ju 关于申请HKUST计算机科学博士的问题请教各位前辈,你们好,以下有一些关于申请香港科技大学计算机科学与工程学系PhD上的问题想向你们请教。我当前是华南师范大学的大四学生(下个月即将毕业...
香港科技大学(英文:The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,缩写:HKUST),简称香港科大,是一所坐落于香港清水湾半岛大埔仔的公立研究型大学。于1991年成立,其为当地其中一所最年轻的法定大学。校方目前由商学院、工程学院、理学院及人文社 伦敦国王学院 ...