As a result of major structural changes in Hong Kong’s economy, its industry has been going through an important transition. In response to the need for the enhancement of human resources to cope with changes arising from the transition, the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is ...
Yu from the university’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) outlined the challenges of the mission. “To ensure the robot’s reliable performance in extremely low temperatures, we need to use proper materials to build it, incorporating a temperature management system. A smart...
该校以科技和商业管理为主、人文及社会科学并重,尤以商科和工科见长。今天给大家播报得就是一份来自HKUST智能建筑技术和管理专业得硕士Offer。 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 机械与航空航天工程学院 学院在能源、航空航天、材料科学、自主系统和先进制造等方面持续进行战略投资,学生和教师的知识多样性...
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Studentship:~216,000 HKD per annual Expected Start Date:1st September, 2021 A PhD studentship is available in aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of rotor/helicopter and the sports-engineering at the Aerodynamics Acoustics and Noise Control Technology Centre (...
香港科技大学MSc in Aeronautical Engineering航空航天工程硕士Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 香港科技大学PhD in Operations Management工业工程运作管理学博士Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management 德州农工大学MS in Poultry Science动物科学农学硕士Department of ...
香港科技大学 MSc in Aeronautical Engineering 航空航天工程 硕士 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 香港科技大学 PhD in Marketing 市场营销学 博士 Department of Marketing 纽约大学 MS in Civil Engineering 土木工程水利工程 硕士 Department of Civil and Urban Engineering 纽约大学 PhD in Internati...
First Name (and Middle Name If Any) Sherry CHEN 陳弦 Highest Degree Acquired (e.g. PhD in Engineering Science) PhD in Solid Mechanics, University of Minnesota Related Web Titles Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ...
The University of Manchester - School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering Chile 14. Diplomado en Dirección Estratégica de Ventas Universidad Adolfo Ibañez Escuela de Negocios Mexico 15. Maestría en Merc...
and the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Applications including full curriculum vitae, list of publications, names of five referees addressed to Professor Vincent Lau, Chair of the Search Committee, and should be sent by email to Applications will be considered un...
The topics in the second part include synthesis of nanoscale reinforcements, fabrication and processing techniques of nanocomposites; dispersion and functionalization of nanoreinforcements; interfacial adhesion; mechanical and functional properties of nanocomposites, and their design and applications. AESF 6910...