在SUMMER PROGRAMME或者官网上要求的特殊学制课程中获得了学分的同学,可以在大学选择免修某些课程的学分,这个请大家自行查看。 Karen·绮礼 Year3 8 好啦,下面我们正式带大家填写申请表格~ Karen·绮礼 Year3 8 【SECTION 3】1.CURRENT STUDIES这一栏要求大家填写现有的学历,也就是高中学校。中学都读的普通高中,...
University Relations Scholarships National University of Singapore Experiential Learning Rosedale at HKU Canada experiential learning program Rosedale x University of Waterloo Summer ProgramContactEN English -EN Chinese – CN 2024 Hong Kong Winter Camp Global Leadership: Design Thinking and Social ...
本次启动仪式上,浙大国际校区书院还与澳大蔡继有书院签署了书院间教育合作协议。 On the 6th of June, the 2023 Zhejiang University International Campus Residential College Summer Exchange Programme was officially launched. Yufen...
The joint 8th Summer School of Frontiers in Construction Management and Cloud Summer Camp of College Students in Civil Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. 11 July 2022, Wuhan, China. Low-cost Digital Twins of Built Assets: Automatic creation of photo-realistic openBIM by ...
HKU:During the school year, international students are able to engage in curriculum-related work and summer internships, provided that the internships are endorsed by the university. Upon graduation, students can apply for an IANG visa, which allows the students to stay in ...