Funding:比如 Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) (每月HK$18,030), FBE PhD Entrance Scholarship( HK$42,100 )等 04、导师信息 在此我们推荐几位不同方向的导师,供大家参考。 Prof. Hongbin CAI 研究兴趣:Professor Cai has published many academic papers in top international journals in economics and finance,...
在申请Economics的时候需要选择自己的stream,包括policy、data、theory。theory分支招生人数很少慎选,theory方向适合有志于申请phd的同学,所以这个方向对申请人的要求很高,policy和data主要是就业导向(这两个方向也可以继续申请phd)。 core具体有:应用计量经济学、微观经济理论、宏观经济理论、微观经济分析、宏观经济分析、计...
陈教授的研究成果发表在信息系统、金融和管理领域的顶级期刊上,包括Information Systems Research、Journal of Financial Economics、Journal of Management Information Systems、Management Science、Review of Financial Studies和Strategic Management Journal等。 研究分析 (1) Chen, Hailiang, Byoung-Hyoun Hwang. 2022. ...
选校求建议SMU financial economics / HKU eco t offer 1 offer 2 offer 3 offer 4 个人情况 以后想继续读博,本科学的是金融,最希望是finance phd,但是由于金融博士申请比较难,也会申请economic phd~博士国家希望是港新英美这四个地方吧~ 留学决定的晚申请的...
(1) Chen, Hailiang, Byoung-Hyoun Hwang. 2022. Listening in on Investors' Thoughts and Conversations. Journal of Financial Economics 145(2) 426-444. 这篇论文发表在顶级金融期刊Journal of Financial Economics上。陈教授和合作者Byoung-Hyoun Hwang利用美国最大的投资相关网站之一的服务器日志数据,研究了投...
伦敦政治经济学院MPhil/PhD in Social Research Methods博士Department of Methodology 香港大学和伦敦政治经济学院简介 香港大学 香港大学,简称港大(英语:The University of Hong Kong,缩写 HKU),在1910年于香港岛龙虎山薄扶林道开始建立并在1912年正式办学,是香港第一所大学,其创校学院医学院的前身为1887年成立的香港...
应届陆本学员GPA3.5包揽普林斯顿经济学PhD、UCB经济学PhD、西北大学经济学PhD、LSE经济学PhD 20例+LSE Economics 150+例英国G5经管类项目 10例牛津金融经济学(包括非985学员) 应届生录取剑桥商学院金融项目 15例+LBS金融分析项目 2021VH学员...
There are several more enjoyable ones you can choose like the field trip one, the laboratory one and the seminar ones. Only choose this capstone course if you really want to try how it is like to be a Mphil or Phd student and try. ...
PHD HKU Business School offersnine undergraduate degree program sin business administration, economics, as well as asset management and private banking. Entry requirements and how to apply If you’re an international student who’s interested in applying to study at HKU Business School, you will nee...
Bachelor Master MBA PHD HKU Business School offers nine undergraduate degree program s in business administration, economics, as well as asset management and private banking. Entry requirements and how to apply If you’re an international student who’s interested in applying... Read More Business...