香港大学又上新了,本次轮到工程学院,推出一个全新硕士项目——微电子科学与技术工程硕士(Master of Science in Engineering (Microelectronics Science and Technology))。项目首届2024年秋季入学,预计9-10月开放申请,首轮申请截止日期已公布,为12月29日! 从名称可以知道,该项目是与微电子和半导体有关的。众所周知,...
3.Master of Science in Engineering (Building Services Engineering) 4.Master of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering) 5.Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 6.Master of Science in Engineering (Energy Engineering) 7.Master of Science in Engineering (Industrial En...
Master of Science in Engineering in Microelectronics Science and Technology ✌🏻️微电子科学与技术工程硕士offer✌🏻️ 院校介绍 图源网络侵删 香港大学(The University of Hong Kong),简称“港大”(HKU),是中国香港的一所...
港大HKU Master of Science in Engineering (Energy Engineering) 第一轮截止日:2023年12月29日第二轮截止日:2024年4月12日,中午12:00
1.本科:考文垂大学(Top-up),BENG in Engineering Business Management专业,均分60 ;研究生:约克大学在读,Master of Science in Engineering Management;录取伯明翰大学MSc Advanced Engineering Management;2.本科:考文垂大学(Top-up), BEng Civil Engineering专业,成绩一等(均分70以上);研究生:伦敦大学...
1.南京师范大学,软件工程专业,均分83,录取香港中文大学MSc in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management; 2.江苏大学,机械设计及其自动化专业,均分81.4,录取香港科技大学Master of Science (MSc) in Mechanical Engineering; 由此可见: 香港地区大学这两年竞争激烈程度大家有目共睹,尤其是港前三。相比商学院竞争...
Engineering Master of Science in Computer Science Master of Science in Electronic Commerce & Internet Computing Master of Science in Engineering in Building Services Engineering Master of Science in Engineering in Environmental Engineering/GeotechnicalEngineering/InfrastructureProject Management/StructuralEngineering...
The Master of Science in Computer Science Programme equips students with advanced and in-depth knowledge in computer science, assisting them to achieve breakthroughs in work and research. There are four streams of study - Cyber Security, Financial Computing, Multimedia Computing, and General Stream, ...
Spend two years in Hong Kong followed by three years in Cambridge and earn a Bachelor of Engineering from HKU and both a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Engineering from the University of Cambridge upon successful completion of this five-year programme. ...
Master of Science in Business Analytics ✌🏻️商业分析硕士 offer✌🏻️ 院校介绍 图源网络侵删香港大学(The University of Hong Kong),简称“港大”(HKU),是中国香港的一所综合性国际化公立研究型大学,有亚洲“常春藤”之...