大家好,我是练习时长一年的HKU卑微女孩,喜欢唱,跳,ra...呸,喜欢追剧打游戏,汉服野袍子一枚,火箭少女赖美云的粉。B21,今年19岁,major in Econ&Finance,来自江苏苏州张家港,期待在坑U与组仔女们相见,嘻嘻。 OC 王梦妍 B21 BA(AS) 一个来自天津的山东人 人间弹幕机 奶茶全糖全冰 语言中枢间歇性失灵 乐于但并...
- 开设IMBA、IMBA(Finance)两个项目 - 申请方式:当年全国工商管理硕士入学联考或五年内之有效GMAT...
the University of Hong Kong and Tsinghua University, with outstanding academic achievements in the fields of finance and fintech. All data are fully tested and endorsed by the team through a rigorous inspection process. Explore Analyics APPExplore Analyics APP Data Coverage 6 Market 270 Millions ...
第三波:信息管理与商业与管理科学 恭喜在读重申的小H弟弟(22Fall实考数学A高数A经济A中文A物理A,预估数学*高数A*经济A*)金榜题名!22.11.16提交UCAS与港大申请,23.2.21收获HKU BBA(Data analytics & Accounting & Finance)录取!23.3.15收获UCL BASc文理专业(Major in Societies)录取!23.4.6收获UCL IMB信息管理...
Faculty of Business and Economics. School of Economics and Finance. Tenure-Track Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Organizational Behaviour/Human Resources Management 10/11/2014 [ more. Tenure-Track Associate Professor/Assistant Profes
Their work has successfully facilitated the policy-makers and company decision-makers to resolve major challenges in the highly sophisticated operational environment. The School values the establishment of the HKU-UCAS FinTech Lab and looks forward to having more collaboration with the HKU Business Schoo...
MCB:With so much variety among the applicant profiles, (roles / industries / countries), how do you evaluate profiles without having a common yardstick? For instance, how would you decide between an Indian IT professional with GMAT 730 and a US finance professional with a...
The Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (IHSS) has a focus on research and teaching in finance, family business, business history, and culture. Its academic staff and affiliates have long been known as leading experts in these fields. IHSS Director Zhiwu Chen was a founding ...
Skip to main navigation. A Century of Excellence. Faculty News and Achievements. Information about Professor Larry Qiu spoke to CNC World on Chinas yuan reform. School of Economics and Finance. Practitioner Lecturers Series A Financial Career in Hong Kong: The Past, The Present and The Future. ...
College. HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College. Architecture, Environment and Housing. Construction, Safety and Built Environment. Heritage Conservation and Management. Arts, Design and Culture. Accounting and Corporate Governance. Applied Finance and Investment. Hospitality, Tourism and ...