Dr. Chow说,ECIC在大陆招的名额很少,最多最多就十来个。竞争很激烈,难度非常大。生源主要来自HK本地。 4.Dr. Chow是教电商安全技术的,但是在面试的时候并不希望我们只谈论到技术,从他的题目和问法来看,更多的希望我们发散思维,这让我们有点措手不及,准备的很多关于大陆电商行业的分析评论什么的,都没用上。
StephenChow93 / wuhan2020 Steven-Yao / wuhan2020 sumayi / wuhan2020 sumsnow / wuhan2020 sunshinemingo / wuhan2020 sunyifei1220 / wuhan2020 super-rain / wuhan2020 superchongcnn / wuhan2020 Suvigo / wuhan2020 sweet7788 / wuhan2020 sweetum23 / wuhan2020 ...
This work was supported in part by the donations of Michael Seak-Kan Tong, Hui Ming, Hui Hoy and Chow Sin Lan Charity Fund Limited, Chan Yin Chuen Memorial Charitable Foundation, and the Providence Foundation Limited in memory of the late Dr. Lui Hac minh; Hong Kong Health and Medical Res...