香港大学计算机系 The Department of Computer Science at HKU (HKU CS) 现邀请在中国大陆和世界一流大学就读的优秀本科生和硕士生申请博士和研究型硕士项目 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil)。计算机科学项目,虽然在 QS 计算机专业排名中,略逊于港科和港中文,但也能排名全球第 61 位。
香港大学 港大 HKU Department of Computer Science计算机科学学院 25fall M.Phil. 科研型硕士 Ph.D. 博士 申请 提前批开启! 招生对象:能力突出的本科生和硕士生 看重:学术表现、研究能力和潜力、沟通技巧和英语水平 申请材料(尽量都是英语的):CV, optional research statement,以及其他材料,包括成绩单,班级排名,英...
1、计算机科学 Master of Science in Computer Science;学制 1-2年;招生要求:一般要求及该专业学士学位,雅思6.0(各项不低於5.5)或托福80;学费156,000港币,申请截止日期第一轮12月31日,第二轮4月15日。包括以下四个方向: 1.)General Stream 普通方向 2.)Financial Computing Stream 金融计算方向 3.)Cyber Secur...
CISC - Department of Computer Science, HKU 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: Drs KP Chow, Lucas Hui, SM YiuCenter for Information Security & CryptographyCenter for Information Security & Cryptography (CISC)邹锦沛邹锦沛, , 许志光许志光, 香港大学资讯保安及密码学研究中心香港大学资讯保安及密码学研究中心In...
莱斯大学MCS (Master of Computer Science)计算机科学硕士Department of Computer Science 莱斯大学PhD in Materials Science材料工程博士Department of Materials Science and NanoEngineering (MSNE) 香港大学和莱斯大学简介 香港大学 香港大学,简称港大(英语:The University of Hong Kong,缩写 HKU),在1910年于香港岛龙虎山...
MakerLab, Department of Computer Science,HKUhkucs-makerlab Follow Hong Kong Block or Report Popular repositories openwrt-rtl8812bu-packagePublic rtl88x2bu package for OpenWRT Makefile52 robotArmPublic C++42 tortobotPublic ...
- Joint programme offered by Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science and Department of Computer Science - Interdisciplinary and comprehensive curriculum - Solid foundation in statistical and computational analyses - Students ca...
Welcome to HKU NLP group! We are a group of researchers working on natural language processing in theDepartment of Computer Scienceatthe University of Hong Kong. Check outour website. PinnedLoading efficient-attentionPublic [EVA ICLR'23; LARA ICML'22] Efficient attention mechanisms via control var...
面向电子书画创作的虚拟毛笔模型* 徐颂华①②**徐从富①**刘智满③**潘云鹤①** (①浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室, 杭州 310027; ②Computer Science Department, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, USA; ③香港大学计算机科学系, 香港)摘要如何设计一个与用户友好交互、实时响应, 并且具有丰富艺术表现...
The Computer Engineering programme prepares students for the multidisciplinary field of computer engineering, covering areas in. It is jointly managed by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. And the Department of Computer Science. If you are interested in the following tracks,. Will...