港大有个很有特色的课程体系,那就是Common Core Curriculum(核心课程),不仅仅要读自己的专业,还要修读科学,人文,世界议题,和中国文化。这些都非常有助于让学生学会思考,做人和思辨。 港大也有多种多样的讲座、表演、展览等等,都会通过学校的邮件每天发布。 学校的师资力量非常雄厚,能在港大教书的老师都非常牛,学术背...
No, unless they are requested by the curriculum Offering Department. If you still wish to provide a reference letter, you may upload it as one of your supporting documents. 参考 ^HKU工程学部硕士 https://admissions.hku.hk/tpg/faculty/faculty-engineering ^MSCS雅思6(5.5) https://www.msc-cs....
we will zoom into the design and implementation phases of the Engineering courses. These courses include a Common Core courseEveryday Computing and the Internet (CCST 9003), an elective engineering courseAdvanced Programming and Application Development (ELEC 3542), and a general engineering courseCalcu...
One of the unique changes to the curriculum we envision is to bring in development of soft skills and certain technical skills within the premise of core offering to better align with the requirements of the corporate world. We plan to partner with professional services organ...
Core Courses MAAL6002 Second language curricula.This course examines the cycle of curriculum design and renewal in English language programmes with particular emphasis on their theoretical basis and practical implementation with reference to ...