访问HKU Calendar非常方便,可以通过香港大学官方网址(https://www.hku.hk/)在主页或学生服务部分找到校历链接。对于2024/2025学年的校历,更是提供了直接的下载查看链接:https://www.scifac.hku.hk/f/page/4832/19445/Academic_Calendar_2024-2025.pdf。 二、HKU Calendar的主要内容 学术日...
首先,打开你的浏览器,登录HKU Portal。在页面上找到HKU Event Calendar并点击进入。 🔧 步骤二:进入订阅设置 在事件日历页面,点击右上角的Subscription Setting。这个设置页面会让你选择如何接收日历更新。 🌐 步骤三:选择导入选项 在页面的最下方,你会看到四个选项:Outlook、iOS、Android和其他。根据你的设备类型...
1. 打开 Outlook 的“Calendar”📅 2. 点击“Home”标签页 3. 在“Manage Calendars”组中选择“Open Calendar”4. 点击“From Internet”🌍 5. 粘贴刚刚复制的URL链接 6. 点击“OK”👌 完成这些步骤后,课表就会自动同步到你的设备啦!
1. 打开 Outlook 的“Calendar” 2. 点击“Home”标签页 3. 在“Manage Calendars”组中选择 “Open Calendar” 4. 点击 “From Internet” 5. 粘贴刚刚复制的URL链接 6. 点击 “OK” 完成这些步骤后,课表就会自动同步到你的设备啦!
* All times are local time for Uchkuduk. They take into accountrefraction. Dates are based on theGregorian calendar. See full month's Sun Today's Moon in Uchkuduk Set 8時55分 272°W Rise 21時14分 92°E Percent Illuminated:91.1% ...
Google Calendar synchronization client for iOS / OS X Objective-C71 vr-train-apivr-train-apiPublic Finnish Railways (vr.fi) train data API for iOS and OS X applications Objective-C41 timelettimeletPublic A tool for tracking work distribution of a project ...
https://samfoxschool.wustl.edu/calendar/series/2-public-lecture-series 加州大学洛杉矶分校 加州大学洛杉矶分校建筑与城市设计学院1981届硕士毕业生、Koning Eizenberg 建筑事务所创始负责人Julie Eizenberg 将于1月29日(周一)发表演讲,深入介绍事务所的工作...
This section provides quick introductions on the Windows registry hives - top level registry keys on Windows XP systems.
* Visualize your workload in the calendar section. View events and suggested workload level for each day. * Customize your reminders. Reminders can filter out events using reminder rules, and you can also choose from different timing schemes. Reminders are automatically applied to all events and...
Founded in 1911, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) stands as a premier institution of higher education, renowned for its academic excellence and global impact. In the 2024 QS World University Rankings, HKU is placed 26th, reflecting its status as a world-class university.The application process...