1. 先栅工艺(Gate First) 2. 后栅工艺(Gate Last) 2.1. 先HK(High-K First) 2.2. 后HK(High-K Last) 三. 总结 一. 为何要使用HKMG工艺? 众所周知,集成电路器件尺寸越做越小,使得在面积不变下可以放入更多的晶体管,以提高集成度,提升芯片性能。而器件尺寸的等比例缩小同时体现在水平方向上更短的栅极...
HKMG工艺包括高介电常数(High-K)材料和金属栅(Metal Gate)两部分。高介电常数材料(如HfO2)替代传统的SiO2或SiON,以增加物理厚度,改善量子隧穿效应。金属栅替代多晶硅栅,以减少硅耗尽效应。工艺分为先栅(Gate First)和后栅(Gate Last)两种。先栅工艺先制作高介电层和金属栅,再制作其他结构...
他表示,促使台积电选择Gate-last工艺制作HKMG的因素主要有五个:速度,功耗,可靠性,可制造性以及可伸缩性。他表示为了兼顾这五个因素,必须采用优化的解决方案,台积电给出的数据显示gate-last工艺可以将器件的功耗保持在较低的水平。 从制造性方面看,使用Gate-last工艺后,所有高温制程均可以放在HK+MG材料淀积之前制作完成...
forming a n-type metal to the first gate trench; applying a second CMP process to the semiconductor substrate; removing the polysilicon from the second dummy gate, resulting in a second gate trench; forming a p-type metal to the second gate trench; and applying a third CMP process to the...
Method to form a polysilicon nanocrystal thin film storage bitcell within a high k metal gate platform technology using a gate last process to form transis... A process integration is disclosed for fabricating non-volatile memory (NVM) cells ( 105 - 109, 113 - 115 ) on a first flash cel...
IMEC reports on gate-last HKMG optionsNanoelectronics research center IMEC is evaluating options for so-called replacement metal gate technology to allow further transistor scaling and to follow-on to the high-k metal gate structures currently in use.Peter Clarke...
Xu Q, Luo J, Wang G, Yang T, Li J, Ye T, Chen D, Zhao C (2015) Application of ALD W films as gate filling metal in 22nm HKMG-last integration: evaluation and improvement of the adhesion in CMP process. Microelectron Eng 137:43-46...
In this paper, a process challenge of integrating Dual Stress Liner (DSL) (1)-(2) into gate-last High-k/Metal Gate (HKMG) flow is explained and a solution is presented. DSL is an effective method to enhance carriers' mobility for short channel devices. But when it is applied to g...
Triyoso, H. Zhang, J. Metzger, R. Binder, C. Prindle, R. Carter and A. Wei, “Impact of process parameters of TiN cap formation on threshold voltage and gate leakage in HKMG last integration,” in Semiconductor Conference Dresden-Grenoble (ISCDG), pp. 173 - 174, 2012....