Check live exchange rates for 1 HKD to CNH with our HKD to CNH chart. Exchange Hong Kong dollars to Chinese Renminbi at a great exchange rate with OFX. HKD to CNH trend.
HKD/CNY Target Rate HKD to CNY rate target in 14 days:0.941* upside and0.918* downside. (Highest and lowest possible predicted rate in a 14 day period) Detailed Trend Components of the HKD/CNY Forex Forecast & Prognosis ...
Check live exchange rates for 1 HKD to INR with our HKD to INR chart. Exchange Hong Kong dollars to Indian rupees at a great exchange rate with OFX. HKD to INR trend.
HKDCNY | A complete Hong Kong Dollar/Chinese Yuan currency overview by MarketWatch. View the currency market news and exchange rates to see currency strength.
Are there any financial risks associated with exchanging HKD to CNY? . With the recent trend of traveling between the Hong Kong and Mainland China, questions surrounding the financial risks of exchanging HKD to CNY have become more common. ...
NZD to HKD Market Data New Zealand dollar (NZD) to Hong Kong dollar (HKD) market data - latest interbank exchange rate, trend, chart & historic rates. Sell NZD → Buy HKD 1NZD= 4.4605We compare provider deals to this wholesale mid-market rate.Read more ...
Long-Term Downtrend (-90) - SPAU14 is in a strong downtrend that is likely to continue. While SPAU14 is showing intraday strength, it remains in the confines of a bearish trend. Traders should use caution and set stops. Foreign Exchange Indian Rupee/Australian Dollar (INRAUD) +100 this ...
A Wise Árfolyamgrafikonnal könnyedén felfedezheted a korábbi piaci adatokat és elemezheted bármely devizapár időbeli trendjeit. Interaktív grafikonjaink valós idejű középpiaci árfolyamokat használnak, és lehetővé teszik az adatok megtekintését különböző idő...
USD to HKD Market Data US dollar (USD) to Hong Kong dollar (HKD) market data - latest interbank exchange rate, trend, chart & historic rates. Sell USD → Buy HKD 1 USD = 7.7711 HKD — 60d-lows USD to HKD is at 60-day lows near 7.7692, near its 3-month average, having traded...
Fedezd fel a Wise interaktív valutatáblázatait, hogy elemezhesd bármely devizapár korábbi árfolyamait és trendjeit. Nézd meg a naprakész, középárfolyam-adatokat testreszabható időkeretekkel a részletesebb betekintés érdekében.