😱根据我收到的消息,面试是通过Zoom进行的,具体时间是2024年12月5日下午3点59分46秒。面试内容主要是关于BBA Programme-ISBI Concentration的。面试邀请是这样的:> 感谢您申请2025-2026年的Bachelor of Business Administration(Hons)-ISBI Concentration。您被邀请参加在线面试,面试将通过Zoom进行。请在12月19日前回...
我现在学习的本科学位名字是 Bachelor of Business Administration(Hon.)-Accounting concentration. 商学院的所有课都是全英文教学,因此我们的学位是得到全球承认的,也就是说,如果想转学到国外继续本科学业,我们用浸大gpa(绩点)来申请是被认可的。关于转学到国外读大二的例子,据我目前所知,有学姐转到了美国的密歇根大...
Foundations of Communication Study是一门理论课程,老师会把知名的传播学理论都介绍一遍,这对非传媒类背...
Tuyển sinh Cử nhân Quản trị Kinh doanh (Bachelor in Business Administration). Tuyển sinh Thạc sĩ Kinh doanh Quốc tế (Master in International Business) Khóa 3. Hội thảo giới thiệu và tư vấn tuyển sinh. Danh sách giảng viên...
英文版标题是<Women’s despair and expectation of marriage in this unfaithful era>.很高兴的是,在...
A range of programmes with a strong creative and practical focus will be offered by the School, including the Bachelor of Communication in Animation and Interactive Media, the Bachelor of Business Administration in Culture, Creativity and Management, the Bach...
我现在学习的本科学位名字是 Bachelor of Business Administration(Hon.)-Accounting concentration. 商学院...
再更: 据我了解其实中大也一样 不过中大有钱的更多 渣男也多哈哈 懂得人自然懂 对于浸会呢 是一所...