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紫外線指數0 (最大值 11) 月出22:10 虧凸月 月落09:41 週日16 10°/3° 54% 週日16 | 白天 10° 54% 西南9 km/h 陣雨。 最高 10°C。 風速 西南 並且多變。 降雨概率 50%。 濕度82% 紫外線指數2 (最大值 11) 日出08:24 日落19:01 週日16 | 夜晚 3° 46% 南南西 7 km/...
"Microsoft has been responsive to questions and comments, and from our perspective, Microsoft has done an effective job with the documentation. Egenera is satisfied with the completeness of the MCPP documentation and with Microsoft's ongoing efforts to improve the documentation." -Rick Jones,...