The VP70 name had a meaning to it. VP stood for Volkspistole, or the “People’s Pistol.” Just like Volkswagen was a car for the masses, HK perhaps intended for the VP70 to be a quality handgun that everyone could afford. “70” referred to the year it was introduced. Though the ...
Although it wasn’t as commercially successful as the Glock 17, the HK VP70 does hold the title of the first semi-commercially successful striker-fired, polymer-framed handgun. After discontinuing the HK VP70, HK worked mostly on the polymer, hammer-fired handguns, such as the HK USP serie...
建立在毛瑟公司的故乡,奥本多夫的废墟之上的LDT德国分公司(误),H&K公司多年不忘初(Keng)心(qian),推出了VP70、P7、P11、G11等结构独(Qi)特(Pa)的武器,也造就了HK416、USP等一代经典武器。 当然,在精准的德国工艺和超前的工程设计水准之上,H&K在海内外最响亮的名号就是黑坑(误),在民用市场上高昂的价格和...
有趣的是笔者之前在Snipershide论坛看到了一位自称在Quantico基地测试URGI的美军测试人员。据他所说他们当时同时测试了URGI和M27 IAR,每个测试人员在测试后需要写深度AAR(After Action Review,行动后报告)来阐述他们对这两种平台瞄具的看法,IAR并没有得到测试人员的认可。 讽刺的是在测试开始第一周时负责测试M27IAR的测...
I don’t know if you can tell, but I’m not the biggest fan of H und K.I posted that letter on THR a long time ago as a joke, but it sure did manage to tick a lot of people off.Ironically, the tag line,HK.Because you suck.And we hate you,has been popping up in various...