Even at the height of the 2020 Panic after Biden... you can still get a VP70Z at a good price. Jan 24, 2023 Guyanaman1963 HK Class 3 Talk Threads 80 Posts 961 Burst Trigger Packs - When First Made ? Sep 17, 2024 Tailflash The...
The VP70 name had a meaning to it. VP stood for Volkspistole, or the “People’s Pistol.” Just like Volkswagen was a car for the masses, HK perhaps intended for the VP70 to be a quality handgun that everyone could afford. “70” referred to the year it was introduced. Though the ...
The G3 can be really accurate, if you weld a bunch of metal to the sides of it, stick on a nice barrel, and jack the price up $10,000.And no, that’s not a typo.The PSG1 is absurdly priced, and the cheaper version, the MSG90 is proof that if make anything absurdly heavy eno...
Although it wasn’t as commercially successful as the Glock 17, the HK VP70 does hold the title of the first semi-commercially successful striker-fired, polymer-framed handgun. After discontinuing the HK VP70, HK worked mostly on the polymer, hammer-fired handguns, such as the HK USP serie...