Even at the height of the 2020 Panic after Biden... you can still get a VP70Z at a good price. Jan 24, 2023 Guyanaman1963 HK Class 3 Talk Threads 80 Posts 961 Burst Trigger Packs - When First Made ? Sep 17, 2024 Tailflash The...
Just like Volkswagen was a car for the masses, HK perhaps intended for the VP70 to be a quality handgun that everyone could afford. “70” referred to the year it was introduced. Though the gun never achieved the same level of sales success that the Glock pistols did, the VP70 clearly ...
VP70Z and P9S pistols. The USP control lever, a combination safety and decocking lever, is frame mounted and quickly accessible, unlike the slide-mounted safeties common on many semi-automatic pistols. Using a modified Browning-type action with a special patented recoil reduction system, the ...
NIB 1981 HK VP70Z complete 9mm pistol package. This 100% brand new 1981 VP70Z pistol is recoil operated, with an inertia bolt and stationary barrel. Designed as asemi-auto double action trigger onlyand direct firing pin ignition ensure constant re...
I have been shooting HKs since 1981 (VP70) and carrying them since 2000 (USP .45 ACP and the last 5 years P30 and P30L. I look forward to sharing what I know and learing from all your expertise. I have been teaching firearms Idaho and Oregon Concealed Weapons License classes for 2 ...
Although it wasn’t as commercially successful as the Glock 17, the HK VP70 does hold the title of the first semi-commercially successful striker-fired, polymer-framed handgun. After discontinuing the HK VP70, HK worked mostly on the polymer, hammer-fired handguns, such as the HK USP serie...
I don’t know if you can tell, but I’m not the biggest fan of H und K.I posted that letter on THR a long time ago as a joke, but it sure did manage to tick a lot of people off.Ironically, the tag line,HK.Because you suck.And we hate you,has been popping up in various...