The alleged problem with the doublestack P7M13 magazine was not a problem that the single stack P7M8 could have. The follower in the magazine is pushed up by the spring, guided by a groove inside, between the two stacks, and I guess it supposedly gets stuck if a bit of grit lodges ...
An Unofficial Web Site for the P7 series of semiauto pistols made by Heckler & Koch of Germany, by Chris
Issued every Spring and Fall in both online and print format, the printed Trade Network is mailed directly to HKinventory members wMoorrldewPidroed.uCcot iPncaigdeinsg: with major industry exhibitions each year, the publication is also distributed in2p7e9r1son2t7o9t2arg2e7t9e3d ex2h7i9b4...
Weight w/o Magazine Weight with Empty Magazine Sight Radius P7 (PSP) Blue 9 x 19mm 8 4.13" 6.54" 5.00" 1.14" 1.73 lbs. 1.88 lbs. 5.83" P7M8 Blue, Nickel, Two-Tone 9 x 19mm 8 4.13" 6.73" 5.04" 1.14" 1.75 lbs - 5.83" P7M13 Blue, Nickel ...
The P7M13 is a 9mm pistol similar to the P7M8 except it has a double-stackMagazine that holds13rounds. This gives it a wider grip similar to the P7M10. Further manufacture of the 13 round magazines is banned in the USA. The P7M10 magazine is still legal to manufacture and isalmostiden...