Convert HKD to GBP with Western Union to send money internationally. Send Amount HKD Receiver gets Send money Be informed. Be aware. Protect yourself from fraud We encrypt your transfers. We are committed to keeping your data secure. Our customers made millions of transfers with Western Union la...
HKD - 香港元 我們的貨幣排名顯示最熱門的 香港元 匯率是 HKD 兌換 USD 匯率。 Hong Kong Dollars 的貨幣代碼為 HKD。 貨幣符號為 $。香港元 GBP - 英國鎊 我們的貨幣排名顯示最熱門的 英國鎊 匯率是 GBP 兌換 USD 匯率。 英國鎊 的貨幣代碼為 GBP。 貨幣符號為 £。英國鎊 ...
Reliable and Easy-to-Use Money Transfer Service I'm using XE for the past 2 years, the process is quick, secure, and extremely easy to navigate with reasonable exchange rate Gopi Easy Easy, good rate and quick to transfer Geoffrey
MoreMoney Transfer From: 澳大利亞元 (AUD)Bitcoin (BTC)加拿大元 (CAD)人民幣 (CNY)歐元 (EUR)英鎊 (GBP)日元 (JPY)美元 (USD)阿拉伯聯合酋長國迪拉姆 (AED)巴西雷亞爾 (BRL)瑞士法郎 (CHF)丹麥克朗 (DKK)港元 (HKD)匈牙利福林 (HUF)印尼盾 (IDR)以色列新謝克爾 (ILS)印度盧比 (INR)韓元 (KRW)科威特...
95.86 GBP-6.28 GBP65.00 HKD0.102522 務必與你的收款人確認資訊 發送或收取匯款時,務必與你的收款人或銀行確認 SWIFT/BIC碼。 如果你認為自己使用了錯誤的 SWIFT 代碼進行匯款,則應立即與銀行聯絡。他們也許可以取消交易。如果為時已晚,你可能必須自行聯絡收款人,並要求他們向你退還匯款。
MoreMoney Converter From: 澳大利亞元 (AUD)Bitcoin (BTC)加拿大元 (CAD)人民幣 (CNY)歐元 (EUR)英鎊 (GBP)日元 (JPY)美元 (USD)阿拉伯聯合酋長國迪拉姆 (AED)巴西雷亞爾 (BRL)瑞士法郎 (CHF)丹麥克朗 (DKK)港元 (HKD)匈牙利福林 (HUF)印尼盾 (IDR)以色列新謝克爾 (ILS)印度盧比 (INR)韓元 (KRW)科威...
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A cost example: sending 10000 HKD from Hong Kong to the UK (GBP): Finding the best way to transfer money overseas can be a little daunting. There are many different options, so doing some research is the best way to make sure you’re getting a good deal. Check out traditional banks,...
Send money 24/7, day or night That means help from real people when you need it and a self-service digital platform when you don’t. Fair and clear pricing – no surprises Tell us the amount you want to send, or how much needs to be received. See your customer rate which includes ...
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