EdUHK Library Home Library News and Events. Central Teaching Resources Collection. TKOSC Learning Commons Collection. Circulation Record / Renewal. 1: Mong Man Wai Library, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, N.T. Enquiry: 2948 6653 Email:
EdUHK Library Home Library News and Events. Central Teaching Resources Collection. TKOSC Learning Commons Collection. Circulation Record / Renewal. 1: Mong Man Wai Library, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, N.T. Enquiry: 2948 6653 Email: 裘錦秋中學(屯門)圖書檢索站 LINKS TO THIS WEBSITE 屯門區 | 全港中學資料分區中學資料/屯門區 Blog at UPGRADE TO PREMIUM TO VIEW 57 MORE ...
Lingnan University Library /All Locations 0) { for (var i=0; i. My Library Account / Renewal. View circulation record and renew items. Please contact us at 2616-8586 or If you have trouble in online renewal or viewing your circ...
Your Circulation Record / Renewal. CityU Examination Papers Database. CityU Theses Online (CityUTO). Library Catalogue Search Guide. How Books are Shelved by Call Number. Requesting a Checked Out Book. Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta Collection. Your Circulation Record / Renewal. Course...
Your Circulation Record / Renewal. CityU Examination Papers Database. CityU Theses Online (CityUTO). Library Catalogue Search Guide. How Books are Shelved by Call Number. Requesting a Checked Out Book. Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta Collection. Your Circulation Record / Renewal. Course...
Body Seismic.LibraryContentManagement.LibraryFileDetailsResponse Add a folderOperation ID: CreateLibraryFolder Adds a new folder inside a given folder. Use the special keywork "root" as the parentFolderId to create a new folder in the teamsite's root Parameters 展開表格 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescripti...
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NameCallsRenewal Period API calls per connection 100 60 secondsActions展開表格 Cleanse Match and Append [DEPRECATED] D&B Identity Resolution uses input criteria to find the best candidates in its extensive database of entities. It uses proprietary algorithms to identify the best matches and returns...
NameCallsRenewal Period API calls per connection 100 60 secondsActions展開表格 Get Brick Codes for Reporting Unit Gets list of all brick codes available for the specified reporting unit. Get Caveats Gets a list of caveats. Get Data Items for Measure Gets a list of all data items for the...