香港董事学会为香港代表董事共同努力的首要组织,其宗旨是促进企业永续发展职能,为所有公司、其拥有者、持份者、人类以至地球创造持久价值;为达成使命,学会致力于企业管治及董事专业行为上的倡导及厘定相关标准。全文 抱负 香港董事学会守则的内容涵盖对以下价值观的拥护:行为得当、真诚视事、合法合例、克勤于务、肩负问责...
陈新国博士 理事 郑炳熙先生 理事 張振宇教授 理事 何丽康先生 理事 孔敬权先生* 理事 叶成庆律师 理事 黎嘉豪先生 理事 梁甘秀玲女士 理事 李家彦先生 理事 麦振兴律师 理事 文暮良先生 理事 莫建邻教授* 理事 莫兆光先生* 理事 吴溢颖女士 理事 戴洁莹教授 理事 邓宛舜女士 理事 詹...
Led by Founder Chairman Dr The Hon Moses Cheng, HKIoD was founded in 1997. Throughout the years, HKIoD is honoured to have the Chief Executive of HKSAR as the Institute’s Patron. Membership of HKIoD comprises of directors from diverse industries and corporate typ...
Ma Mingzhe, Chairman of Ping An, has been honored by The Hong Kong Institute of Directors. His Director of the Year Award 2023 in the Listed Companies Executive Directors category recognizes his exemplary leadership and innovative approaches in corporate governance at Ping An. This is th...
The Hong Kong Institute of Directors; 香港董事學會- Hong Kong's premier body representing directors working together to promote good corporate governance and to contribute towards advancing the status of Hong Kong, both in China and internationally. ...
Director of the Institute of Real Estate Studies and Associate Director of the Institute for China Sustainable Urbanization at Tsinghua University; Mike Chan, Head of Property and Asset Management at JLL in Shenzhen; Sun Yigong, Chairman, Tospur Real Estate Consulting Co., Ltd.; ...
He is a Fellow of the following organizations; The Hong Kong Institute of Directors, The Royal Society of the Arts and the Institute of Consulting. Amy Willis, MBA, CPA, CMA President, Hong Kong Canada Business Association (Ottawa) and Director of Pinnacle Global Amy is ...
She has served on several not for profit boards including as a founding Board member of the Grattan Institute and as a Director of the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. She is a Life Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and was the founding Chair of the 30% Club in...
黄先生拥有新加坡国立大学工商管理学士学位,并拥有新加坡管理大学及新加坡董事协会(Singapore Institute of Directors)(‘SID’)的董事行政文凭(Executive Diplomain Directorship),以及为SID认证框架的认证董事。于2024年04月08日获委任为中薇金融控股有限公司非执行董事、董事会主席。
陈先生亦为新加坡董事学会(Singapore Instituteof Directors)会员以及于新加坡交易所上市公司的董事会成员:彼自二零零四年二月十七日起担任Ramba Energy Limited(新交所:R14)及自二零一五年三月十八日起担任P99Holdings Limited(新交所:5UV)(拟进行成员自愿清盘及从新加坡交易所除牌的公司)的非执行主席,及自二零一零年...