HSBC Holdings PLC (HK Reg) HSBC Holdings Plc engages in the provision of banking and financial services. It operates through the following business segments: Retail Banking and Wealth Management, Commercial Banking, Global Banking and Markets, Global Private Banking, and Corporate Centre. The Retail...
Use Futu NiuNiu to view HSBC HK SDR 5to1 (HSHD)'s stock price, real-time quotes, latest news, historical trend charts, financial information and quotes.
HSBC 汇丰控股 添加自选 58.190 -0.050-0.09% 收盘价 02/27 16:00 (美东) 58.250 +0.060+0.10% 盘后17:20 (美东) 2073.13亿总市值9.39市盈率TTM 58.425最高价57.880最低价639.79万股成交量58.190今开58.240昨收3.72亿成交额0.20%换手率9.39市盈率(静)35.63亿总股本58.42552周最高1.12市净率1854.98亿流通值34.880...
Get HSBC Holdings PLC (5-HK:Hong Kong Stock Exchange) real-time stock quotes, news, price and financial information from CNBC.
Stock quote is delayed for at least 15 mins CBBCs Top % Gain Top % Lose Top Turnover Name Last Chg% SG_S&P RC2509A 0.046 +91.667% UB_TRIP RC2503B 0.069 +56.818% UB_HSBC RC2704L 0.056 +51.351% SG_TRIP RC2506C 0.076 +49.020% BP_HSBC RC2711A 0.055 +48.649% Last Updated:...
HSBC HOLDINGS 60.81 (94.57) 91.25 -3.51 HKEX 43.93 (341.63) 339.80 -0.54 Quote is delayed for at least 15 minsADR quotes are displayed in USD; equivalent price are converted to HKD based on the conversion ratio. Exchange Rate: 1 USD = 7.776650 HKD Local Indices Index LastChg Turn. Weekl...
The cost of international money transfers with HSBC HK will depend on where you are sending money from and to. Check our comparison table above to find a price for your money transfer. Your chosen payment method can also come with extra costs. Bank transfer is usually the cheapest option, ...
Glonghui,January 5 | Goldman Sachs released a report saying that the losses suffered by the Bank of Hong Kong due to China's real estate risk exposure have risen. Investors have anticipated that the stock price has also reflected related negative factors
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