Use this character with Bee Little ( Not included in this package) from Toon series to create an interesting gameplay! For example, Bee Hive will release Bees when it gets hit! Players have to avoid hitting Bee Hive or defeat them in another way. Shop Bee Little here. Animations: Undergr...
Dead Hive Musketoon 分类 > Machinist's Arm项目级别:180 / 设备 级别:60 〜 分类:MCH销售价格 1444 腮Physical Damage 63(70)Auto-attack 55.44(61.6)Delay 2.64 DEX +63 VIT +60 Determination +49 Skill Speed +71 DEX +70 VIT +67 Determination +55 Skill Speed +79 修复 工匠级别: 50 ...
Dead Hive Musketoon 分类 > Machinist's Arm项目级别:180 / 设备 级别:60 〜 分类:MCH销售价格 1444 腮Physical Damage 63(70)Auto-attack 55.44(61.6)Delay 2.64 DEX +63 VIT +60 Determination +49 Skill Speed +71 DEX +70 VIT +67 Determination +55 Skill Speed +79 修复 工匠级别: 50 ...