0: jdbc:hive2://> select ascii("ABC"); ==> Returns 65 character_length() returns length of the string jdbc:hive2://> select character_length("ABC"); ==> Returns 3 concat() function concatenates the multiple strings jdbc:hive2://> select concat("ABC","DEF"); ==> Returns ABCDEF...
If the argument is anINTorbinary,hexreturns the number as aSTRINGin hexadecimal format. Otherwise if the number is aSTRING, it converts each character into its hexadecimal representation and returns the resultingSTRING. (Seehttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/string-functions.html#function_hex...
还是用以前搭建的那个Kettle环境,当然引用的jar包也是以前5.1.0.0-752,这个是公司仓库上的包,已经很老很老了。 用这个包去做hive到hive的交换的话,需要改源码。 我下载的源码还是从这个地址下载的,这次下载的是5.1的源码,源码地址:https://github.com/pentaho/pentaho-kettle 当然这个源码还是需要修改pom文件才能编...
character_length(string str)Returns the number of UTF-8 characters contained in an input string, You can also use alternative char_length(string str).Return: int concat(string|binary A, string|binary B…)Returns the string or bytes after concatenating all strings or bytes passed in as input....
character_length | | chr | | coalesce | | collect_list | | collect_set | | compute_stats | | concat | | concat_ws | | context_ngrams | | conv | | corr | | cos | | count | | covar_pop | | covar_samp | | crc32 | | create_union | | cume_dist | | current_authorizer...
The first character in str has index 1.「查找字符串 str 中子字符串 substr 出现的位置,如果查找失败将返回 0,如果任一参数为 NULL 将返回 NULL,注意位置为从 1 开始的」 length(string A) Returns the length of the string..「返回字符串的长度」 locate(string substr, string str[, int pos]) ...
string decode(binary bin, string charset) Decodes the first argument into a String using the provided character set (one of 'US-ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-16'). If either argument is null, the result will also be null. (As of Hive 0.12.0...
加号(+)是字符串串联运算符,可以将两个或两个以上字符串合并成一个字符串。其他所有字符串操作都使用字符串函数(如 SUBSTRING)进行处理。 默认情况下,对于 varchar 数据类型的数据,在 INSERT 或赋值语句中,空的字符串将被解释为空字符串。在串联 varchar、char 或 text 数据类型的数据时,空的字符串被解释为空字...
[HIVE-7390] - Make single quote character optional and configurable in BeeLine CSV/TSV output [HIVE-7416] - provide context information to authorization checkPrivileges api call [HIVE-7430] - Implement SMB join in tez [HIVE-7446] - Add support to ALTER TABLE .. ADD COLUMN to Avro backed ...
ascii(str) – returns the numeric value of the first character of str asin(x) – returns the arc sine of x if -1<=x<=1 or NULL otherwise bin(n) – returns n in binary 转换成二进制数 ceil(x) – Find the smallest integer not smaller than x ...