2. 项目目标 本项目旨在通过Hive SQL建立一个分区表,实现根据特定字段进行数据分区存储,提高数据查询效率和管理便利性。 3. 技术方案 3.1 创建分区表 使用Hive SQL语句创建一个分区表,通过partitioned by指定分区字段。以下是一个示例代码: CREATETABLEpartitioned_table(idINT,name STRING)PARTITIONEDBY(dateSTRING) ...
下面是实现“hive create table sql 多字段分区”的整体流程: 2. 具体步骤 步骤1:创建Hive表 在Hive中创建表的基本语法如下所示: CREATE TABLE table_name ( column1 datatype1, column2 datatype2, ... ) PARTITIONED BY (partition_column1 datatype1, partition_column2 datatype2, ...) 1. 2. 3....
a、单分区建表语句:create table day_table (id int, content string) partitioned by (dt string);单分区表,按天分区,在表结构中存在id,content,dt三列。 b、双分区建表语句:create table day_hour_table (id int, content string) partitioned by (dt string, hour string);双分区表,按天和小时分区,...
createtable t_user_province_city_county(idint, namestring,ageint)partitionedby(provincestring, citystring,countystring); --多分区表的数据插入和查询使用 loaddatalocalinpath'文件路径'intotable t_user_provincepartition(province='shanghai'); loaddatalocalinpath'文件路径'intotable t_user_prov...
建表:create hive table 1hive>CREATETABLEpokes (fooINT, bar STRING); 创建一个名为pokes的表,包括两个字段,第一个字段foo是整型,第二个字段bar是字符串。 1hive>CREATETABLEinvites (fooINT, bar STRING) PARTITIONEDBY(ds STRING); 创建一个名为invites的表,包括两个字段(列):foo、bar,和一个分区字...
sql CREATE TABLE sales ( product_id INT, quantity INT, price DECIMAL(10, 2) ) PARTITIONED BY (date STRING, region STRING) STORED AS ORC; 在这个例子中,sales表有三个普通列:product_id、quantity和price,以及两个分区键:date和region。表的数据将以ORC格式存储。 分区键的选择及其对查询性能的影响...
create table test_partition1( sku_id string comment '商品id', sku_name string comment '商品名称') PARTITIONED BY (sku_class string); 建立分区: alter table test_partition1 add partition(sku_class='xiaomi'); 查询分区是否建立: show partitions test_partition1; ...
SQL複製 CREATE[EXTERNAL]TABLE[IFNOTEXISTS] table_identifier [ ( col_name1[:] col_type1 [COMMENTcol_comment1 ], ... ) ] [COMMENTtable_comment ] [ PARTITIONEDBY( col_name2[:] col_type2 [COMMENTcol_comment2 ], ... ) | ( col_name1, col_name2, ... )...
SQL复制 CREATE[EXTERNAL]TABLE[IFNOTEXISTS] table_identifier [ ( col_name1[:] col_type1 [COMMENTcol_comment1 ], ... ) ] [COMMENTtable_comment ] [ PARTITIONEDBY( col_name2[:] col_type2 [COMMENTcol_comment2 ], ... ) | ( col_name1, col_name2, ... ) ...
I'm trying to create the below table, partitioned by dt - but it errors each time & I am unable to find the correct way to do it. I'm using Hive Any help would be amazing :) Thanks CREATE TABLE keenek1.ipfr_cf2 AS SELECT CASE WHEN catreputation = 1 THEN 'Clean Site' WHEN ...