Hive not working fine with mr but works finr with tez Labels: Apache Hive chennuri_gouris Super Collaborator Created 11-02-2016 06:13 PM [root@hdp-2 QA]# hive hive.execution.engine=mr; WARNING: Use "yarn jar" to launch YARN applications. Logging initialized using...
I have tried using the individual webpage settings and searched for it in split tunneling but cannot find anything for the Hive Hub connected to my router. The other app I have problems with is my Solar Panel system SMA Sunny Boy app which connects my PC via bluetooth to the solar inver...
If you are pairing through a router device, bring it close to that. If pairing fails through a router device you may be affected by an issue that was recently resolved (depending on your coordinator firmware) where some security values were not being passed through. If that is the case ...
Turned out the Hive router was in the wrong place. Having a quick conversation with Lorraine at Hive she guided us and advised of a perfect position for our Hive router. She alone kept our details on file and kept us in the loop of any further issues of a period of 7x months. Her ...
I got it working by downgrading tohive_generator: 0.7.2 The problem is probably somewhere in the latest release. Actually I think the issue is related to analyzer package but I'm not sure. I have to upgrade analyzer because latest version of the other packages are not compatible with the ...
I thought that showed some promise so I plugged in the Ethernet cable into my router and the green light continued to blink. I decided to type in my hub ID and all I got for the next hour was... sorry we can’t find you HUB. Wow! I mean really?! I have 2 door sensors, 2 ...
plugging in it as the app instructed it blinks green. I thought that showed some promise so I plugged in the Ethernet cable into my router and the green light continued to blink. I decided to type in my hub ID and all I got for the next hour was... sorry we can’t find you HUB...
keepalive的工作原理:keepalived是以VRRP协议为实现基础的,VRRP全称Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol,即虚拟路由冗余协议。虚拟路由冗余协议,可以认为是实现路由器高可用的协议,即将N台提供相同功能的路由器组成一个路由器组这个组里面有一个master和多个backup,master上面有一个对外提供服务的vip(该路由器所在局域网内其他... Wilfred Hornby - 06 December 2021 at 09:30
as you, connect to it using a computer or mobile device. Enter the IP address of your miner. Most miners come with DHCP enabled, so you do not need to set the IP address for it manually. Instead, look at the IP table on your router or use a scan tool, such as Advanced IP ...