One possible cause is trying to perform an unsupported operation. For example, trying to execute a DDL (Data Definition Language) statement likeCREATE TABLEorALTER TABLEin a Hive session that only supports DQL (Data Query Language) statements likeSELECTorINSERT INTO. 3.2. Invalid Session State Ano...
Hive query statements, including: SELECT GROUP BY ORDER BY CLUSTER BY SORT BY All Hive expressions, including: Relational expressions (=,⇔,==,<>,<,>,>=,<=, etc) Arithmetic expressions (+,-,*,/,%, etc) Logical expressions (AND, &&, OR, ||, etc) ...
Figure 2WebHCat logical architecture Principles Hive functions as a data warehouse based on HDFS and MapReduce architecture and translates HQL statements into MapReduce jobs or HDFS operations. For details about Hive and HQL, seeHiveQL Language Manual. Figure 3shows the Hive structure. Metastore: re...
Registering these allows you, other developers, and analysts to collaborate on developing custom data processing logic and quickly incorporating that into Tableau views. Because initial SQL supports arbitrary Hive query statements, you can use Hive to accomplish a variety of interesting tasks when connec...
Hive is an engine that is used to parse SQL statements. It uses MapReduce to analyze data at the underlying layer and uses Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) to store the processed data. Hive converts Hibernate Query Language (HQL) statements to MapReduce programs and runs the programs on...
These statements provide a way to query the Hive metastore for existing data and metadata accessible to this Hive system. Show Databases SHOW (DATABASES|SCHEMAS) [LIKE identifier_with_wildcards]; SHOW DATABASES or SHOW SCHEMAS lists all of the databases defined in the metastore. The uses of SCH...
Apache Hive is the data warehouse framework on top of theHadoop distributed file system (HDFS). It provides a query language calledHive Query Language, HiveQL or HQL. HiveQL syntax is similar to SQL syntax with minor changes. Similar to SQL insert statements, HQL also supports inserting data...
Cluster By and Distribute By are used mainly with the Transform/Map-Reduce Scripts. But, it is sometimes useful in SELECT statements if there is a need to partition and sort the output of a query for subsequent queries. Cluster By is a short-cut for both Distribute By and Sort By . ...
For details, see Table 1 describes the extended Hive statements provided by FusionInsight. Table 1 Extended Hive statements Extended Syntax Syntax Description Syntax Example Example Description CREATE [TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT...
USE sets the current database for all subsequent HiveQL statements. To revert to the default database, use the keyword "default" instead of a database name. USE database_name was added in Hive 0.6 (HIVE-675). Create/Drop/Truncate Table ...