Hive AI Detector Chrome Extension Effortlessly identify and trace the origin of AI-generated content in real-time as you navigate the web. View on Web Store How customers use our AI-detection models DETECT PLAGIARISM Teachers, schools, and educational programs can easily flag when students use AI...
Cloud-Based AI Models | Data Labeling Find us on LinkedIn MODERATION SUITE Visual Moderation Text Moderation Audio Moderation Moderation Dashboard AI-Generated Content Detection CASE STUDIES Yubo Tango Chatroulette Plato Highrise INSIGHTS DOCUMENTATION PRICING ...
1·Hivemoderation Hive moderation Hive是目前市场中准确率最高的,在媒体的测试中是一众识别鉴定AI中唯一一个拿下100%通过率的识别AI,在我的实际使用体验中也确实是目前识别准确率最高的,但是100%显然是样本量太小导致的夸大其词了,但是90-... 右下角显示的是概率和可能的模...
1·Hivemoderation Hive moderation Hive是目前市场中准确率最高的,在媒体的测试中是一众识别鉴定AI中唯一一个拿下100%通过率的识别AI,在我的实际使用体验中也确实是目前识别准确率最高的,但是100%显然是样本量太小导致的夸大其词了,但是90...