such a group mentality characterized by uncritical conformity and loss of a sense of individuality and personal accountability. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofhive mind1 First recorded in1950–55 Discover More Example Sentences
"It absolutely was meant to make players think about themselves as a hive mind." 这绝对是为了让玩家觉得自己作为一个蜂房头脑。 " ParaCrawl Corpus The more powerfully tuned to it, the more your behavior and perceptions will be mirrors of this hive-mind mentality. 你受到的影响越大,你的...
This means that sometimes, a night owl mentality might creep in during the cold winter months. No matter how many or how few night owl employees you may have, there are some techniques you can use to make sure everyone is working in their prime time. 2. Flexible schedules The most ...