Scenario Based Hive Interview Questions 21. How can we access the subdirectories recursively? By using the below commands, we can access subdirectories recursively in Hive: hive> Set mapred.input.dir.recursive=true; hive> Set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=true; Hive tables can be pointed...
Beeline: HiveServer2 supports the Beeline, a command shell that which the user can submit commands and queries to. It is a JDBC client that utilises SQLLINE CLI (a pure Java console utility for connecting with relational databases and executing SQL queries). The Beeline is based on JDBC. H...
ve gotten so used to instant gratification and the breaking-news explosions on cnn and msnbc for forecasting the winners, and i think we need to tamp down those expectations a little bit. the nightmare scenario, i think—and this is something that you were alluding to, and marc was as ...
There can be a scenario, where entire analytics/problem statements can be solved by only HiveQL. In such situation Internal Table comes into picture- Means you can put the entire data set into Hive's Warehouse and Hive is going to have complete authority on the data set. Why hive doesn't...
Solved: Hi , Scenario : I have a table which has 100 millions of records in my hive database. Out of it, i might need around 20 million. I dont want
Cost based optimization (CBO) is the new feature to Hive. CBO offers better hive query performance regarding cost. To use CBO, you need to set the following properties- set hive.cbo.enable=true; set hive.compute.query.using.stats=true; ...
Scenario : I have a table which has 100 millions of records in my hive database. Out of it, i might need around 20 million. I dont want to pull the all 200 millions in to power bi model. I know filter out the records in the model is feasible solution but i dont want to bring ...