内部表(Internal table)也称为被Hive拥有和管理的托管表(Managed table)。默认情况下创建的表就是内部表,Hive拥有该表的结构和文件。换句话说,Hive完全管理表(元数据和数据)的生命周期,类似于RDBMS中的表。 当您删除内部表时,它会删除数据以及表的元数据。 create table student( num int, name string, sex st...
内部表(Internal table)也称为被Hive拥有和管理的托管表(Managed table)。默认情况下创建的表就是内部表,Hive拥有该表的结构和文件。换句话说,Hive完全管理表(元数据和数据)的生命周期,类似于RDBMS中的表。 当您删除内部表时,它会删除数据以及表的元数据。 create table student(numint,name string,sex string,a...
A table created without the EXTERNAL clause is called a managed table because Hive manages its data. Managed and External Tables By default Hive creates managed tables, where files, metadata and statistics are managed by internal Hive processes. A managed table is stored under the hive.metastore....
Managed or external tables can be identified using the DESCRIBE FORMATTED table_name command, which will display either MANAGED_TABLE or EXTERNAL_TABLE depending on table type. Statistics can be managed on internal and external tables and partitions for query optimization. Hive官网介绍: https://cwik...
所以外部表不是由Hive完全管理的 --- 2. 内部表(internal table/managed table) 没有external修饰,...
Create an INTERNAL table in Hive and point it to the directory with the bacon.txt file: CREATE INTERNAL TABLE internal1 (col1 string) LOCATION '/user/demo/food'; Oops... that failed because INTERNAL isn't a keyword, the absence of EXTERNAL makes it a managed, or internal, table. ...
Hive的Tables(External 和 Internal) Hive的Partitions(Static和Dynamic) 选择掌握 Hive Bucket Tables 期间我要穿插一些练习,因为上课时做的练习完全不够。 1. 两种连接Hive的工具 (1)通过beeline (2)通过command Line命令行 使用方法如下图 解释: -e 表示执行sql语句 ...
remain even if the table is dropped. Managed or external tables can be identified using the DESCRIBE FORMATTED table_name command, which will display either MANAGED_TABLE or EXTERNAL_TABLE depending on table type. Statistics can be managed on internal and external tables and partitions for query ...
Internal table are like normal database table where data can be stored and queried on. On dropping these tables the data stored in them also gets deleted and data is lost forever. So one should be careful while using internal tables as one drop command can destroy the whole data. Open new...
4、insert into table xxxx SQL语句 (没有as) Hive 内部表(Managed tables)vs 外部表(External tables) 建表: 加载数据: 删除表: Hive 分区 建立分区表: 增加一个分区: 用本地文件进行插数据,指定分区 删除一个分区: 查看某个表的所有分区 往分区中插入数据: ...