hivedata_format函数hive中dateformat函数 1)date_format函数(根据格式整理日期) 作用:把一个字符串日期格式化为指定的格式。select date_format('2017-01-01','yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'); --日期字符串必须满足yyyy-MM-dd格式 结果:2017-01-01 00:00:002)date_add、date_sub函数(加减日期) 作用:把一个字...
select date_format(current_timestamp(), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'); select date_format(current_date(), 'yyyyMMdd'); select date_format('2020-06-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'); -- 计算emp表中,每个人的工龄 select *, round(datediff(current_date, hiredate)/365,1) workingyears from ...
语法:date_add(string startdate, int days) 返回值:string 说明:返回开始日期 startdate 增加 days 天后的日期案例实操: hive> select date_add('2022-08-08',2); 输出: 2022-08-10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.10**)date_sub:日期减天数** 语法:date_sub (string startdate, int days) 返回值:s...
INSERT OVERWRITE table dwd_order_facts PARTITION (order_date)SELECT o.order_id, o.user_id, o.order_time, o.product_id, o.quantity, o.price, COALESCE(o.order_status,'UNKNOWN'), p.product_name, p.category_id, c.category_name, o.order_dateFROM ods_ord...
# 字段:id、team_name(战队名称)、ace_player_name(王牌选手名字) # 数据都是原生数据类型,且字段之间分隔符是\001,因此在建表的时候可以省去row format语句,因为hive默认的分隔符就是\001。 create table t_team_ace_player( id int, team_name string, ace_player_name string ); 0: jdbc:hive2://se...
或create table t_user2 (id string, name string) row format delimited fields terminated by ','; 5、 插入数据:insert into table t_user values('001','mazhonghua'); 6、 查询数据:select * from t_user; 7、 导入数据(后面会说动静态分区): ...
Fayson今天在Hive中插入字段类型为decimal的数据时发现,插入数据为1.0, 1.000等以 .0结尾的数据在hive中显示为1,即不显示末尾的.0 ,如下:
1 # 不能使用date作为表的字段【列】,因为date是关键字 2 hive (test_db)> create table t_sz03_part (id int, name string) 3 comment 'This is a partitioned table' 4 partitioned by (dt string, country string) 5 row format delimited fields terminated by ','; 添加数据 代码语言:javascript...
Apache-2.0, Unknown licenses found starsforks NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options master 7Branches 0Tags Code This branch is35 commits behindapache/hive:master. ...
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTs table3 ( col_1 STRING, col_2 STRING ) PARTITIONED BY (col_3 DATE) STORED AS rcfile LOCATION 'obs://bucketName/filePath' TBLPROPERTIES ( dli.multi.version.enable = true, comment = 'Created by dli', orc.compress = 'ZLIB', auto.purge = true ); Example...