BINARY存储在记录中,不想BLOB单独存储,可以在BINARY中包含任意字节序列,会原样存储,不会被解析成数字或者字符。 Complex Data Types Hive还支持一些关系型数据库不支持的复合数据类型。 复合数据类型由primitive data types和other complex data types构成,如下: ARRAY - 相同类型的元素构成的序列,从0开始索引,与Java中...
我们可以把String,TimeStamp值转换成Date类型: Miscellaneous Types Hive还提供两种primitive data types,BOOLEAN和BINARY。和Java的Boolean相似,BOOLEAN只存储true或者false。 BINARY是字节数组,和很多关系型数据库的VARBINARY相似。BINARY存储在记录中,不想BLOB单独存储,可以在BINARY中包含任意字节序列,会原样存储,不会被解析...
15.导入数据: LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '${env:HOME}/california-employees' [ overwrite ] INTO TABLE employees PARTITION (country = 'US', state = 'CA'); 16. Primitive data types Type Size Literal syntax examples TINYINT 1byte signed integer. 20 SMALLINT 2 byte signed integer. 20 INT 4 byt...
Statistics: Num rows:2Data size:7440Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Select Operator Statistics: Num rows:2Data size:7440Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE Group By Operator aggregations: count() mode: hashoutputColumnNames: _col0Statistics: Num rows:1Data size:8Basic stats: COMP...
When you virtualize aHivetable that contains data typeSTRINGthat exceeds the default maximum string length (MaxStringSize), the data type of the column is converted toCLOB. Hivedoes not give a maximum length forSTRINGtypes; therefore,Watson Queryvirtualizes at a specific length ...
dataType dataType string The data types which can be used for custom object values.Add a distributor accountOperation ID: AddAnAccountIntoTheAddressBookOfADistributor Add an account to the address book of a distributor. Parameters Expandir tabla NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Manufacturer ID manufacturer...
hive.exec.script.maxerrsize:一个map/reduce任务允许打印到标准错误里的最大字节数,为了防止脚本把分区日志填满,默认是100000; hive.exec.script.allow.partial.consumption:hive是否允许脚本不从标准输入中读取任何内容就成功退出,默认关闭false;在用户使用transform函数做自定义map/...
hive.max-initial-split-size The maximum size of each split that is assigned to a worker node if the number of splits that have been assigned is less than or equal to the value of the max-initial-splits property. If the split size is small, the data access parallelism is high. This ...
CREATE(DATABASE|SCHEMA)[IFNOTEXISTS]database_name[COMMENTdatabase_comment][LOCATIONhdfs_path][MANAGEDLOCATIONhdfs_path][WITHDBPROPERTIES(property_name=property_value,...)]; LOCATION 是指定外部表的存储路径,MANAGEDLOCATION 是指定管理表的存储路径(hive 4.0.0 才支持),官方建议默认就行,让所有的表都在一...
hive>load data local inpath'/root/book/3guserage.txt'overwrite into table user_3g_age;Loading data to table test.user_3g_age Table test.user_3g_age stats:[numFiles=1,numRows=0,totalSize=153,rawDataSize=0]OKTime taken:0.678seconds