cast(date as date)、cast(timestamp as date)、cast(string as date)、cast(date as timestamp)、cast(date as string) 下面看例子: 正因为date、timestamp格式的固定,所以cast函数转换也十分的简单,不像关系数据库转换那么复杂。 当然Hive还支持to_date、year、month、weekofyear、day、hour、minute、second、...
The default date format of Hive isyyyy-MM-dd, and for Timestampyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. When using Date and Timestamp in string formats, Hive assumes these are in default formats, if the format is in a different format you need to explicitly specify the input pattern in order for Hive t...
2、from_unixtime(BIGINT unixtime[,STRING format]) 将时间搓秒数转换成UTC时间 示例: select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('20190611' ,'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyy-mm-dd'); 3、to_date(string date) :返回时间字符串日期部分 示例: select to_date("1993-01-01 00:12:12"); 4、datediff(string enddate...
2.5 时间类型 TIMESTAMP则存储纳秒级别的时间戳,同时Hive提供了一些内置函数用于在TIMESTAMP与Unix时间戳(秒)和字符串之间做转换。例如: 代码语言:javascript 复制 cast(dateasdate)cast(timestampasdate)cast(stringasdate)cast(dateasstring) 时间戳类型的数据不包含任务的时区信息,但是to_utc_timestamp和from_utc_...
2.通过提示可知该用法已经被放弃了建议采用current_timestamp来替代。查结果如下: 3.如果当前时间为int类型则需要转义一下比如使用from_unixtime() 代码语言:javascript 复制 SELECTfrom_unixtime(unix_timestamp());--2018-02-2714:51:01 4.获取当前日期CURRENT_DATE。代码如下: ...
ALTER DATABASE database_name SET OWNER USER user_name; 2)案例 (1)修改dbproperties hive> ALTER DATABASE db_study SET DBPROPERTIES ('create_date'='2022-11-20'); 1.1.4 删除数据库 1)语法 DROP DATABASE [IF EXISTS] database_name [RESTRICT|CASCADE]; ...
hiredateTIMESTAMP, salDECIMAL(7,2), commDECIMAL(7,2) )ROWFORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATEDBY"\t";-- 2.8 CTAS创建表 支持从查询语句的结果创建表:CREATETABLEemp_copyASSELECT*FROMempWHEREdeptno='20';-- 2.9 复制表结构-- 语法:CREATE[TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL]TABLE[IFNOTEXISTS] [db_name.]table_nam...
Date - A date or datetime datatype. Sample usage How it works The formula calculates the current day when the a job is being processed. The week of the year is converted into an integer output. beginning_of_hour Returns datetime for top-of-the-hour for a given datetime. ...
datetime_legacy_hybrid_calendar 日历有一个起始时间,这个之前时间是错误的 用这个函数修正 不重要 select datetime_legacy_hybrid_calendar(CAST('0601-03-07' AS DATE));0601-03-04 to_epoch_milli 暂时不知道这个函数用法 纪元的毫秒数 create table tstz1_n1(t timestamp with local time zone);insert into...
hive_db.dimension_table FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF o.proctime AS dim ON o.product_id = dim.product_id;流读Demo:使用HINT的方式让上述 Properties 生效。即/*+ OPTIONS()*/set 'table.dynamic-table-options.enabled' = 'true'; -- 注册hivecatalog create catalog hive_catalog WITH ( 'type' = '...