原因:两个表join的时候,不支持两个表的字段 非相等 操作。 可以把不相等条件拿到 where语句中。 例如:rightJOINtest.dim_month_date p2onp1.month=p2.y_monthandp1.day<=p2.day可以改写成rightJOINtest.dim_month_date_zyy p2onp1.month=p2.y_monthwherep1.day<=p2.day当然此时要注意null引起的记录...
hive执行报错:Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN 's1' 2017-11-08 16:08 −... Suckseedeva 0 19486 inner join(内连接)、left join(左连接)、right join(右连接)、full join(全连接)区别 2019-12-25 19:37 −sql中的连接查询有inner join(内连接)、left join(左连接)、right join...
建表时没有指定分区,而insert语句中指定了 4 FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10017]: Line 5:5 Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN '***_id' 不支持非等值连接 5 FAILED: ParseException line 1:799 missing Identifier at 'group' near '<EOF>' group前面缺少子表的别名 6 left semi join...
建表时没有指定分区,而insert语句中指定了 4 FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10017]: Line 5:5 Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN '***_id' 不支持非等值连接 5 FAILED: ParseException line 1:799 missing Identifier at 'group' near '<EOF>' group前面缺少子表的别名 6 left semi join...
【HIVE不支持非等值连接,但可以通过locate()函数进行功能转换】Bothleft and right aliases encounteredinJOIN'pipei'select*fromaa leftjoinhdp_58_ubu_sjmobile_defaultdb.ceshi cc on1=1whereconcat(bb.city1_name,bb.city2_name,bb.city3_name)>=cc.pipei)dd---此为true---concat(bb.city1_name,...
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10017]: Line 5:5 Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN '***_id' 2018-08-29 回复喜欢 TyrionW 正在学习hql 2016-11-15 回复喜欢 推荐阅读 Hive 调优总结,让 Hive 调优想法不再碎片化 java领域 Hive分桶表的使用场景以及优缺点分析 本篇文章...
hivesql中join之后的on条件不支持不等值判断:both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN ‘column name’ ; LEFT JOIN az_dcdw.dim_agencyarea_rela t3 ON t4.sk_agency = t3.sk_agency AND t.d_cdate BETWEEN str_to_timestamp(t3.effective_from) AND str_to_timestamp(t3.effective_to) ...
[HIVE-8805] – CBO skipped due to SemanticException: Line 0:-1 Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN ‘avg_cs_ext_discount_amt’ [HIVE-8807] – Obsolete default values in webhcat-default.xml [HIVE-8811] – Dynamic partition pruning can result in NPE during query compilation ...
hive执行报错:Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN 's1' hive执行报错:Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN 's1'的内容正在调整,暂不提供浏览,如需帮助请联系下方本站技术官微信。
FAILED: SemanticException Line 0:-1 Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN ... Ways to resolve: - Move inequality condition in WHERE clause: WHERE r.rea BETWEEN table1.begin_time AND table1.end_time WARNING: Affects query logic - filters all the table instead of ...