HIVKnowledgeQuestionnaire HIV-KQ-18 (18itemversion) Carey,M.P.,&Schroder,K.E.E.(2002). Developmentandpsychometricevaluationof thebriefHIVknowledgequestionnaire (HIV-KQ-18).AIDSEducationand Prevention,14,174-184. HIV-KQ-18 Foreachstatement,pleasecircle“True”(T),“False”(F),or“Idon’tknow”...
This cross-sectional study used the Bahasa Indonesia version of the HIV Knowledge Questionnaire-18 items (HIV-KQ-18) Instrument. Data collection was done online through the Google form application. A total of 5,364 participants were recruited. The participants from Ja...
South Africa is in the midst of the world's largest human immune deficiency virus (HIV) epidemic with an estimated 5.6 million people infected. Haematological manifestations of HIV are common and diverse, occurring at all stages of infection. Haematological emergencies occurring in this setting includ...
分析及建议: 你好,男方吃药对怀孕没有影响的 咨询时间: 2018-06-01 患者 妻子怀孕前四个月我吃了秋水仙碱,现在她怀孕18周了,对胎儿到底有没影响呢(男,32 岁) 赵月霞医生 你好,男方吃药对怀孕没有影响的 赵月霞医生 只要产检结果是正常的就好 赵月霞医生 ...
Histogram of number correct on the HIV-KQ-18 knowledge scale for 1,154 US men who have sex with men (MSM) who completed online Facebook survey, June–November 2010.Bradley H. WagenaarPatrick S. SullivanRob Stephenson