Interpretation of HIV Serologic Testing Results. Clinical chemistry. 2010; 56:10 1523- 1527.Mahajan VS, Pace CA, Jarolim P. Interpretation of HIV serologic testing results. Clin Chem. 2010;56:1523-1526.Mahajan VS, Pace CA, Jarolim P. Interpretation of HIV serologic testing results. Clin Chem...
HIV is a retrovirus that primarily infects CD4 presenting cells of the human immune system, such as macrophages and dendritic cells. People die of AIDS because the disease remains undetected for long periods of time. HIV diagnostic testing has come a lon
In general, reported errors in performance were similar by type of specimen; however, studies using oral fluid rapid diagnostic tests reported errors in the interpretation of test results and studies using blood-based rapid diagnostic tests reported errors in transfer of the blood specimen. Two studi...
a1. The GS HIV-2 EIA Procedure and the Interpretation of Results must be followed closely when testing for the pres¬ence of antibodies to HIV-2 in plasma or serum from individ¬ual subjects. Data regarding the interpretation were derived from testing serum or plasma samples. Insufficient ...
Various commercial laboratories offer confidential HIV and STDtesting as a self-paid option but will typically provide results and recommend more personalized interpretation by a licensed healthcare provider. More information for HIV testing The CDC website is an excellent source of science-backed inform...
INTERPRETATION: Self-testers can reliably and accurately do HIV rapid diagnostic tests, as compared with trained health-care workers. Errors in performance might be reduced through the improvement of rapid diagnostic tests for self-testing, particularly to make sample collection easier and to simplify ...
Siegel K, Schrimshaw EW, Dean L: Symptom interpretation: Implications for delay in HIV testing and care among HIV-infected late middle-aged and older adults. AIDS care 1999, 11(5): 525-535.Siegel K, Schrimshaw EW, Dean L. Symptom in- terpretation: implications for delay in HIV ...
p pBackground/p pMany HIV voluntary testing and counselling centres in Africa use rapid antibody tests, in parallel or in sequence, to establish same-day HIV status. The interpretation of indeterminate or discrepant results between different rapid tests on one sample poses a challenge. We ...
Participants were asked to test the specimens using their routine methods and to report to WHO their findings on each specimen for each diagnostic assay used and their interpretation of the HIV antibody status of each specimen. For the antibody-positive specimens, 98.2% of the results were ...
Selection of antiretroviral treatment based on drug resistance profile is a crucial element in maintaining optimal response to therapy in individual patients. Interpretation of results from resistance testing continues to increase in complexity with increasing numbers of resistance mutations and resistance muta...