目前检测HIV-1 P24抗原最常用的方法是酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法、酶联荧光分析法、电化学发光法等。其中ELISA法最成熟,应用最广泛。原理是用已知抗体包被固相载体,加入待测血清,若待测样本中含有P24抗原,则与包被抗体结合形成抗原-抗体复合物,再加入酶标记抗体与抗原结合,形成固相抗体-抗原-酶标抗体复合物,加底物...
false positive rate of 8.33%.There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05).Conclusion THE comprehensive accuracy of ELISA method is relatively high, so both methods can be used in clinical serum HIV antibody detection, thus promoting the accuracy of test ...
If the ELISA test is positive, a confirmatory test called a Western blot is usually performed to confirm the diagnosis. HIV Antigen Test: This test detects HIV antibodies and p24 antigen, a protein produced by the virus shortly after infection. It's more sensitive and can detect HIV infection...
苏黎世大学医院官网苏黎世大学医院官方网站在介绍HIV感染的检测排除时间时,原文是:The HIV screening test...
your HIV status. If your test result is negative, that doesn't mean your partner's test ...
infection. Window period is around 90 days. The positive result in this tests would require an confirmatory test. Examples are: ADVIA Centaur HIV 1/O/2 Enhanced, Avioq HIV-1 Microelisa System, Genetic Systems (GS) HIV-1/HIV-2 Plus O EIA, VITROS Anti-HIV 1 + 2 Assay [5,6,10,12]...
Screening methodHIV antibodyRe?inspectionConfirmation test目的 分析五种方法筛查出的人类免疫缺陷病毒抗体阳性样品与复检和确证试验结果的符合情况,为临床和自检选择筛查方法提供建议.方法 将3278份经ELISA,胶体金法,化学发光法,电化学发光法和胶体硒法筛查的阳性样品采用两种ELISA试剂复检和进行确证试验,并将结果进行比对...
Method ELISA Total Results HIV 1.2 Rapid Test Results Positive Negative Positive 130 2 132 Negative 0 1683 1683 Total Result 130 1685 1815 Relative sensitivity: >99.99% (97.5%CI*: 97.20%~100.0%); Relative specificity: 99.88% (95%CI*: 99.57%~99.99%); Accuracy: 99.89% (95%CI*: ...
本科室采用的主要是ELISA定性检测和CMIA定量或半定量分析。随血清学标志物检测仪器的快速发展,科室引进了美国雅培有限公司最新生产的Alinityi全自动磁微粒免疫分析仪,以满足临床更加快速、准确性更高的报告要求。 一般来说,厂家在生产制造分析仪器后,会对其性能参数进行测定分析。但由于雅培厂家的性能参数是在其合适的...
化学发光法 ELISA实验复检后,又通过北京市CDC免疫印迹法 (chemiluminescenceimmunoassay,CLIA)是一种新型进行确认,结果见表1。 的免疫学检测技术,检测样本的S/CO值明显高于 表1 31例阳性标本CLIA、ELISA及WB试验结果 ELISA方法,对于抗体效价较低的弱阳性血清样本,化 学发光法具有明显优势,有利于早期发现HIV感 染1。