HIV preventionVIRAL envelope proteinsANTIBODY-dependent cell cytotoxicityHIV infectionsCHIMERIC proteinsEvaluation of the kinetics of systemic distribution of IV injected monoclonal antibodies modi... B A.M. Carias SP 1 sp , J. Schneider SP 2 sp , M. McRaven SP 1 sp , S. Xiao...
[13] Gilead’sInnovative HIV Treatment Research Pipeline Aims to Address Unmet Needs andAdvance Public Health,RetrievedNovember 21, 2024, from [14]...
Better PrEParation for HIV prevention in minority groups Louise Lloyd Research Highlights06 Dec 2024Nature Reviews Urology Volume: 22, P: 4 Gender justice and prioritizing women and girls in the HIV response A strategic dialogue on ‘gender justice in the HIV response’ held at the 25th Internatio...
HIV prevention for TP is inadequate [9], little is known on how to address the needs of TP through non-governmental organizations (NGOs) [14]. Global Fund is the main source of funding for HIV prevention programs in Ukraine, which are implemented by the International Charitable Foundation “...
) and treatment as prevention (TasP) as means of HIV prevention raises issues of justice concerning how most fairly and equitably to apportion resources in support of the burgeoning variety of established HIV treatment and prevention measures and further HIV research, including HIV vaccine research. ...
For more than 35 years, Gilead has been a leading innovator in the field of HIV, driving advances in treatment, prevention and cure research. Gilead researchers have developed 12 HIV medications, including the first single-tablet regime...
candidate in Health Behavior major with over 5 years of qualitative research experience in HIV prevention and care among Chinese MSM. CL is a Chinese citizen and received graduate training in public health both in China and in the USA. All the other research team members have varied years of ...
为了填补这一研究空白,深入了解社区药房在提供 PrEP 方面的情况,来自帝国理工学院的研究人员勇挑重担,开展了一项别具一格的探索性混合方法横断面研究。这项研究成果发表在BMC Health Services Research期刊上。 研究人员巧妙地运用了在线调查和半结构化访谈两种方法。在线上,他们精心设计问卷,邀请来自伦敦北泰晤士地区的社区...
In this review, we will summarise how the multiple HIV vaccine strategies pursued in the last 40 years of HIV research have driven current vaccine development, which are the most relevant immunogens identified so far to induce balanced adaptive immune responses, and how they can benefit from the...
For persons with HIV infection who intend to rely on treatment as prevention (TasP), providers should make an individual assessment of the person's risk tolerance, personal health, history of maintaining viral suppression with treatment, and access to healthcare services and ART, as well as ...