- Type of Virus: HIV is classified as a retrovirus, meaning it has RNA as its genetic material. - Genetic Material: The virus contains two single strands of RNA. - Protein Coat: HIV is surrounded by a protein coat known as the capsid, which protects the viral RNA. - Enzymes: The viru...
Further, prevalence of HIV was 2.25 times higher among women who had more than one lifetime partner in comparison to those who had one partner [OR: 2.25, CI: 1.21–4.16]. Interestingly, the use of condoms did not show any significant association with positive HIV status. Women aged 30–...
The Value of Studying Transactional Sex 'Talk' Individuals who engage in transactional sex have evolved novel ways of referring to these practices. These phrases and expressions frame both the positive and negative aspects of the practice. As Leap and Boellstorff Stoebenau et al. Globalization and...
Although there is positive impact on the uptake and adherence to PMTCT regimens especially when men accompany their partners, evidence indicates that only a few men accompany their female partners for antenatal care (ANC) and participate in PMTCT programmes [13] with rates of 3.2% in Malawi [15...