(Pathology) human immunodeficiency virus; the cause of AIDS. Two strains have been identified: HIV-1 and HIV-2 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Researchers at The Wistar Institute's HIV Cure and Viral Diseases Center have successfully identified a new approach using natural killer (NK) cells to target and kill the HIV-positive cells that allow the virus to persist. ... Feb 18, 2025 ...
Each year, National HIV Vaccine Awareness Day on May 18 recognizes thousands of volunteers, community members, health professionals, and scientists who work together to find a safe and effective HIV vaccine.
Even with the medical advancements over the last 40 years, the quest for an HIV/AIDS cure remains of great importance. Managing HIV through antiretroviral (ARV) therapies has been a vital step, but there is so much more to do. Treatments today have become far more convenient for people livi...
Our scientists have a single focus: ending the HIV epidemic. How do we develop new options for the HIV community? The process of identifying, creating, and developing generally well-tolerated and effective HIV medicines is complex and requires ongoing collaboration between different research teams. ...
of AIDS. For most of the 35 years since HIV, the virus responsible for the disease, was first identified, doctors have viewed the notion of a cure as more than fact. That's because HIV is a virus unlike any other. It disables the very immune cells that are to destroy it, carrying ...
HIV reduces the total number of CD4 cells in a person's blood, which means that while the virus itself does not directly harm them, the body has no defense against what would have been minor illnesses or injuries. These then become life-threatening. There is no cure for HIV infection, ...
The Black Death [bubonic plague] obviously comes to mind, but people have tested the bacterium that we believe caused the Black Death in the 13th, 14th to 15th centuries and it's unrelated to CCR5, so we may never know. Martin Delaney on a Cure for HIV/AIDS ...
HIV infection is a lifelong illness. There is no known cure for HIV. However, advances in treatment have changed the thinking about HIV as a fatal disease. Doctors now consider HIV a chronic condition that can be controlled with medications and healthy life style choices....
Janssen’s ultimate goal for the treatment of HIV is a cure. This could take the form of long-term remission from the infection, or full viral eradication. We’re not losing sight of this, because we don’t want people with HIV to have to take life-long therapy. So, we are conductin...