Werden Sie zu Agent 47 und erkunden Sie sechs ikonische Orte aus HITMAN (2016) in HITMAN World of Assassination Part One.
HITMAN World of Assassination Part One bietet: – 6 ikonische HITMAN-Orte: Paris, Sapienza, Marrakesch, Bangkok, Colorado und Hokkaido – HITMAN-GOTY-Edition enthält: die Bonuskampagne „Patient Null“, 3 thematische Eskalationsaufträge mit Outfit- und Waffenbelohnungen Dies gewährt ...
HITMAN World of Assassination Part One HK$234.00+ 包含的遊戲HITMAN 3 包含附加元件HITMAN 3 Access Pass: HITMAN 1 Complete First SeasonHITMAN 3 Access Pass: HITMAN 1 GOTY Upgrade 返回頂端 HITMAN World of Assassination HK$544.00+ 包含的遊戲HITMAN 3 包含附加元件HITMAN 3 Access Pass: HITMAN 1 GOTY...
Enter the world of the ultimate assassin. HITMAN World of Assassination brings together the best of HITMAN, HITMAN 2 and HITMAN 3 including the main campaign, contract mode, escalations, elusive target arcades and the roguelike-inspired game mode HITMAN:
HITMAN World of Assassination Part One (簡體中文, 英文, 繁體中文) 登入以評分 全球玩家的評分 4.37平均評分為4.37顆星(滿分5顆星),共39898則評分 39898個評分 72% 11% 8% 1% 8% 平台: PS4, PS5 推出日: 18/12/2023 發行商: IO INTERACTIVE ...
Step into the shoes of Agent 47 and explore the six iconic locations from HITMAN (2016) in Part One of HITMAN World of Assassination.
IT之家9 月 13 日消息,开发商 IO Interactive A / S 宣布旗下游戏《HITMAN 暗杀世界:第一部分(HITMAN World of Assassination:Part One)》在 Steam 平台开启 1 折史低优惠,游戏标准价 108 元,现到手价 10.8 元,折扣将于 9 月 17 日结束,IT之家附游戏地址如下(点此访问)。
WORLD OF ASSASSINATION Travel a living, breathing world, filled with intriguing characters and lethal opportunities. HITMAN World of Assassination Part One features: - 6 Iconic HITMAN locations: Paris, Sapienza, Marrakesh, Bangkok, Colorado and Hokkaido ...
杀手:暗杀世界HITMAN:殺手世界 / HITMAN World of AssassinationHitman World of Assassination IO Interactive,IO Interactive A/S 2023-01-26 8.79.0 中文 0想玩12在玩40玩过185已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 资源 媒体评分 ...
下载HITMAN Free Starter Pack 了解更多关于此试用版的信息。 下载 HITMAN World of Assassination 版本 支持VR 购买HITMAN World of Assassination Episode: Sapienza Does not include VR or Freelancer modes ¥ 42.00 添加至购物车 支持VR 购买HITMAN World of Assassination Part One ...