The trailer for the upcoming Superman film has just been released, and it seems like the current Lex Luthor has taken heavy inspiration from Hitman’s Agent 47. He looks nothing like the Lex Luthor in the comic books.Superman’s trailer does not do a very good job of establishing its ch...
Launch Trailer ESRB Launch Trailer PEGI Launch Trailer Game features Make the world your weapon HITMAN 2 is the only game where you have the complete freedom to plan the perfect assassination and complete your mission through a deadly (often surprising) chain of events. Using stealth techniques, ...
杀手保镖预告片#2 _2017_ | MOVICECLIP拖车(The Hitmans Bodyguard Trailer #2 _2017_ | Movieclips Trailers) 杀手保镖-事件电视15(The Hitmans Bodyguard - Event TV15) 杀手保镖-和你一起看电视15(The Hitmans Bodyguard - With You TV15)
Watch more‘John Wick’ Trailer 2 Added Starbreeze CEOBo Andersson Klint: “We’ve finally got a real hitman on our team. Being able to play as John Wick inPayday 2ahead of the movie’s release is a great reward for our loyalPayday 2community.” Payday 2, a four-player co-op shooter...